Monday, February 26, 2007
Mentos and Diet Coke
I know we've all seen this, but my family just loves it! :) We goof with this throughout the summer and try to not to get sticky in the process. I'm sure Mentos sales went UP after this, cuz before we couldn't find them anywhere and now they are all over the place! :)
Here are two great video clips:
Extreme Diet Coke Mentos
Ellen Mentos
Here are two great video clips:
Extreme Diet Coke Mentos
Ellen Mentos
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Stork Reality
The Stork Reality by Melena Lott
ISBN: 0-8439-5725-5
Malena Lott does a really good job of describing what really happens during pregnancy. It was very true to life and it caused me to remember my days of being pregnant...I was thinking, "Oh, yeah, I remember that!" throughout the entire book. Taylor is constantly battling within herself the idea of staying home after the birth or going back to work. It really proves interesting how Lott handles this very hot topic with many people...she finds a very happy medium that would satisfy most people. And, Taylor goes through labor the 'natural' drugs! I thought it was really interesting that she chose to use this idea for the book...most women would opt for the medication. :) A nice change of pace!
ISBN: 0-8439-5725-5
Malena Lott does a really good job of describing what really happens during pregnancy. It was very true to life and it caused me to remember my days of being pregnant...I was thinking, "Oh, yeah, I remember that!" throughout the entire book. Taylor is constantly battling within herself the idea of staying home after the birth or going back to work. It really proves interesting how Lott handles this very hot topic with many people...she finds a very happy medium that would satisfy most people. And, Taylor goes through labor the 'natural' drugs! I thought it was really interesting that she chose to use this idea for the book...most women would opt for the medication. :) A nice change of pace!
Painting with Oils
We began the process of painting last week. I decided to go ahead and use oils for a couple reasons. One, that is what I use so I'm familiar with it. But most importantly, two, oils stay wet and allow you to blend and mix for a bit which I thought would be helpful. We LOVE Bob Ross and watch his show every week. That is actually where the inspiration to paint on canvas started with B. Well, before we actually started painting we reviewed by watching one of the Joy of Painting shows and focusing on technique. Here are some snapshots of them working and the final works of art.
Ransomed Dreams
Ransomed Dreams by Amy Wallace (Released 4-19-07, pre-order now!)
ISBN: 978-1-59052-747-4
Reviewed for Armchair Interviews
Rating: 4 Stars out of 5
Ransomed Dreams immediately throws us into a tragic scene of death – I had tears just reading the prologue! But quickly, Amy Wallace created a guide-book of sorts to moving on with life. Gracie is moving on after the death of her entire family at the hands of a drunk driver; Steven is moving on after the ‘death’ of his marriage when Angela walked out 5 years ago. Each of them have to deal with the lies they have told themselves all these years – the lies that held them ransomed and kept them from moving on and truly living their lives. Slowly they move towards each other during this process. While they are trying to work through their issues, Steven and Gracie are faced with the twisted minds of two criminals who are also figuring out how to move on with their own lives.
Wallace does a fantastic job of keeping it real. While this book is a fiction and romance book, bad things happen in this book, just as in the real world. The characters offer great examples of how you can wrestle with your beliefs and question why bad things happen without letting it consume you. And the friends/family of these people show how being the gentle voice of reason and a constant spiritual support can bring comfort and help to those who are struggling in their faith. My favorite part was when Gracie is thinking of her parents’ home, she equates the feeling of peace and comfort she receives from this place with chocolate. She calls it: “Heart-chocolate. …what her parents provided without even trying. A safe place. Kind words. Gentle hugs. Happy memories. Hope. The kind of chocolate nourishment that didn’t line her hips and thighs.”
An excellent book and an easy read! I’m ready to read the next in this series about Clint and Sara!
Armchair Interviews says: An excellent book and an easy read.
Author's Web site: (Released 4-19-07, pre-order now!)
ISBN: 978-1-59052-747-4
Reviewed for Armchair Interviews
Rating: 4 Stars out of 5
Ransomed Dreams immediately throws us into a tragic scene of death – I had tears just reading the prologue! But quickly, Amy Wallace created a guide-book of sorts to moving on with life. Gracie is moving on after the death of her entire family at the hands of a drunk driver; Steven is moving on after the ‘death’ of his marriage when Angela walked out 5 years ago. Each of them have to deal with the lies they have told themselves all these years – the lies that held them ransomed and kept them from moving on and truly living their lives. Slowly they move towards each other during this process. While they are trying to work through their issues, Steven and Gracie are faced with the twisted minds of two criminals who are also figuring out how to move on with their own lives.
Wallace does a fantastic job of keeping it real. While this book is a fiction and romance book, bad things happen in this book, just as in the real world. The characters offer great examples of how you can wrestle with your beliefs and question why bad things happen without letting it consume you. And the friends/family of these people show how being the gentle voice of reason and a constant spiritual support can bring comfort and help to those who are struggling in their faith. My favorite part was when Gracie is thinking of her parents’ home, she equates the feeling of peace and comfort she receives from this place with chocolate. She calls it: “Heart-chocolate. …what her parents provided without even trying. A safe place. Kind words. Gentle hugs. Happy memories. Hope. The kind of chocolate nourishment that didn’t line her hips and thighs.”
An excellent book and an easy read! I’m ready to read the next in this series about Clint and Sara!
Armchair Interviews says: An excellent book and an easy read.
Author's Web site:
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
More Pox!
Well, B now has the chicken Pox! :) He woke up with these 'bumps' on his forehead and asked me to look at them. I did and realized what they were and so I checked his trunk area. Sure enough.....POX! LOL Oh well, at least now we have them out of the way for both boys.
But, it messed up our Valentine's Party for our homeschool group. :( That's a bummer, but we'll survive!
But, it messed up our Valentine's Party for our homeschool group. :( That's a bummer, but we'll survive!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Petticoat Ranch
Petticoat Ranch by Mary Connealy
ISBN: 9781597896474
I absolutely loved this book! Mary Connealy is a very gifted writer both in her use of words and her understanding of human and women! I laughed, I cried, I was scared...all at different times and sometimes within the same page!
Sophie has basically been living on her own her entire married life. When her husband, Cliff, went to war she took care of herself and her girls. Then when he came back from the war, he was a different person and again, she had to care for her family. She did the 'womans' work and the 'mans' work. Then Cliff was unlawfully hung and she was truly alone with her girls.
Then Clay comes along and she feels she must help him...and then he 'tricks' her into marrying him. Sophie and Clay learn what it's like to mesh to stubborn heads and learn quickly what true give and take is all about.
One thing I truly love about this book, is about the time when you think most people would end the story, Mary continues and tells us even more. What a treat! We get more story and more laughter.
ISBN: 9781597896474
I absolutely loved this book! Mary Connealy is a very gifted writer both in her use of words and her understanding of human and women! I laughed, I cried, I was scared...all at different times and sometimes within the same page!
Sophie has basically been living on her own her entire married life. When her husband, Cliff, went to war she took care of herself and her girls. Then when he came back from the war, he was a different person and again, she had to care for her family. She did the 'womans' work and the 'mans' work. Then Cliff was unlawfully hung and she was truly alone with her girls.
Then Clay comes along and she feels she must help him...and then he 'tricks' her into marrying him. Sophie and Clay learn what it's like to mesh to stubborn heads and learn quickly what true give and take is all about.
One thing I truly love about this book, is about the time when you think most people would end the story, Mary continues and tells us even more. What a treat! We get more story and more laughter.
The Break-Up
The Break-Up
Starring Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn
This movie was rated PG-13, and I personally would have rated it R, simply for use of language. Vaughn's character had a horrible potty mouth and used profanity constantly where it was not needed. (But let's face it...when is profanity really needed?) The story was wonderful and truly funny at times, but it made me mad at the true love, romantic ending here! Only break-up and moving on. How unromantic! LOL I know they have to make movies in Hollywood where the story doesn't come out nicely, but the majority of us in life see enough sadness and heartache that we want the movie to have a happily-ever-after ending.
I like Jennifer Aniston, but I wouldn't watch this movie again.
Rating: 2 1/2 stars out of 5
Starring Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn
This movie was rated PG-13, and I personally would have rated it R, simply for use of language. Vaughn's character had a horrible potty mouth and used profanity constantly where it was not needed. (But let's face it...when is profanity really needed?) The story was wonderful and truly funny at times, but it made me mad at the true love, romantic ending here! Only break-up and moving on. How unromantic! LOL I know they have to make movies in Hollywood where the story doesn't come out nicely, but the majority of us in life see enough sadness and heartache that we want the movie to have a happily-ever-after ending.
I like Jennifer Aniston, but I wouldn't watch this movie again.
Rating: 2 1/2 stars out of 5
The Illusionist
The Illusionist
starring Edward Norton and Jessica Biel
WOW! This was an awesome movie. And not one I would probably have picked for myself to watch! (A good friend brought movies over.) It started out a bit slow and took a while to get going. And although we did figure out the ending before we actually got to the end, it was still a fascinating story. And the good guys win in the end, which makes it even better! LOL
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
starring Edward Norton and Jessica Biel
WOW! This was an awesome movie. And not one I would probably have picked for myself to watch! (A good friend brought movies over.) It started out a bit slow and took a while to get going. And although we did figure out the ending before we actually got to the end, it was still a fascinating story. And the good guys win in the end, which makes it even better! LOL
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Lady in the Water
The Lady in the Water
This movie if SOOOO stupid! We really thought when watching it that it would be a sort of spooky/thriller type of movie and we actually laughed through most of it! There were parts that made us jump simply because it startled us, but for the most part, we predicted what was going to happen.
And the little wolf/dog creature? Reminded me of the wolf creature from The Neverending Story when I was a kid...they even had some of the same type of scenes, with the creature having red eyes and breathing on a pane of glass. Dumb!
Very poor score: Waste of money, 1/2 star out of 5
This movie if SOOOO stupid! We really thought when watching it that it would be a sort of spooky/thriller type of movie and we actually laughed through most of it! There were parts that made us jump simply because it startled us, but for the most part, we predicted what was going to happen.
And the little wolf/dog creature? Reminded me of the wolf creature from The Neverending Story when I was a kid...they even had some of the same type of scenes, with the creature having red eyes and breathing on a pane of glass. Dumb!
Very poor score: Waste of money, 1/2 star out of 5
It's February!
I can't believe it's February! Wow, where did January go??
We are still working on keeping things clean right now and have (for the moment) postponed anymore decluttering. If I can just keep things clean, keep school progress going, and continue to do the everyday running that has to be done, I think I will be doing good.
We had snow (finally!) but it didn't last long. I really wish we could have a good couple feet of snow so the kids can go out and play...and I can make snow ice cream! LOL Haven't had that in years!
Off to make some lunch and get the little ones down for naps....
We are still working on keeping things clean right now and have (for the moment) postponed anymore decluttering. If I can just keep things clean, keep school progress going, and continue to do the everyday running that has to be done, I think I will be doing good.
We had snow (finally!) but it didn't last long. I really wish we could have a good couple feet of snow so the kids can go out and play...and I can make snow ice cream! LOL Haven't had that in years!
Off to make some lunch and get the little ones down for naps....
An Issue of Modesty
On Saturday, we had such great weather that we decided to wash the van as a family. When we were finished the boys played in their pool till supper time. While they were playing in the pool, someone came to mow the lawn for the house across the street (it is vacant and was being auctioned on Sunday, so they wanted the lawn to look nice.). The girl who came over to do this was wearing a very skimpy bikini top and very very short shorts.
The boys continued to play for the first half hour she was there mowing...she was in their back yard where we couldn't see her. Then she came to the front of the house about the time the boys were getting out of the pool. Brent came over and was sitting in his chair drying off and was watching this lady mow.
He looked at me and (very quietly) asked, "Mom, why is she outside without very many clothes on?"
I explained to him about the word modesty and what it means to be modest and how dressing modestly makes people more comfortable and dressing immodestly makes then uncomfortable.
He says, "She shouldn't be out of her house with only a bra on...she needs to wear a shirt too! Maybe she forgot to get dressed?"
Out of the mouths of babes!
The boys continued to play for the first half hour she was there mowing...she was in their back yard where we couldn't see her. Then she came to the front of the house about the time the boys were getting out of the pool. Brent came over and was sitting in his chair drying off and was watching this lady mow.
He looked at me and (very quietly) asked, "Mom, why is she outside without very many clothes on?"
I explained to him about the word modesty and what it means to be modest and how dressing modestly makes people more comfortable and dressing immodestly makes then uncomfortable.
He says, "She shouldn't be out of her house with only a bra on...she needs to wear a shirt too! Maybe she forgot to get dressed?"
Out of the mouths of babes!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Sonic Commercial Spoof!
I love this commercial spoof about Sonic! It's hilarious and I hope you enjoy it too! (I found this when I was looking for one of Sonic's commercials online after seeing it on TV.)
Slowly, but surely
Well, we've got the stuff that has been purged so far taken to the basement. I haven't gotten much cleaning done this week (purging cleaning) as we've been focusing more on schoolwork, which is good. I hope to get back into doing more cleaning of closets and drawers next week, but we'll just have to see how the chicken pox goes!
My next order of cleaning is the front closet. It HAS to be dejunked! LOL Next after that will be my kitchen drawers. Then the boys' closet and then mine. Hopefully after that, I'll be done for a while. My pantry definitely needs some dejunking and some organizing, but it's just too cold out there to stand for that long! :) I barely can stand it to do the laundry.
Oy, laundry! I have not been doing well with my laundry and I will have to do better. Acts of service are T's love language and I really am trying to learn it! I want to do better for him and be a better homemaker, but it's hard! I get so distracted and really have to work hard at keeping on target. (I think that is my biggest issue....I'm beginning to think I have adult ADD sometimes! LOL)
Well, off to see what I can make for supper (was gonna grocery shop today, but there's snow on the ground. Plus with the pox, we can't go out!) and to fold some laundry.
Murmur to self:
I have to do better, I have to do better, I have to do better...
My next order of cleaning is the front closet. It HAS to be dejunked! LOL Next after that will be my kitchen drawers. Then the boys' closet and then mine. Hopefully after that, I'll be done for a while. My pantry definitely needs some dejunking and some organizing, but it's just too cold out there to stand for that long! :) I barely can stand it to do the laundry.
Oy, laundry! I have not been doing well with my laundry and I will have to do better. Acts of service are T's love language and I really am trying to learn it! I want to do better for him and be a better homemaker, but it's hard! I get so distracted and really have to work hard at keeping on target. (I think that is my biggest issue....I'm beginning to think I have adult ADD sometimes! LOL)
Well, off to see what I can make for supper (was gonna grocery shop today, but there's snow on the ground. Plus with the pox, we can't go out!) and to fold some laundry.
Murmur to self:
I have to do better, I have to do better, I have to do better...
We've Got the Pox!
Well, we've got the Chicken Pox! We've been exposed from the kids at church but both boys have had the vaccine, which I see now is useless! :) C started getting spots last night and has several more this morning. Bless his poor heart, he even has one in his ear! We're putting a cream on it to help with the itching, but he still seems really cranky...which I don't blame him!
B has been praying to not get the pox and I hope he doesn't. He will be the one that is more miserable (and more miserable to live with) with the pox. :)
More later!
B has been praying to not get the pox and I hope he doesn't. He will be the one that is more miserable (and more miserable to live with) with the pox. :)
More later!
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