Tuesday, July 24, 2007
School starts....
I can't believe the summer is already gone and we're getting ready to start school again! The boys will be leaving on Friday to go to VBS with Aunt D and I will have a whole week to get curriculum together and organized for the year. I have schedules to work on, chores to organize, and would like to have it all set up and ready to go when the boys get home.
Are they ready? I think so. They have been really needing some scheduling in their days and really need to be more organized, which comes from me. I think with more structure, their attitudes will improve and we'll get more accomplished with our days.
They also will be starting Tae Kwon Do (TKD) when they get home. We had a 'practice' class last night (and have another one on Thursday) to see how they like it and if they can handle it. B did really well...I think he will really enjoy TKD and it will do him a lot of good. C on the other hand, had a meltdown in the middle of the class because he couldn't remember the order of the instructions. He got embarrassed and just came running to me, crying. I felt so bad for him, thinking maybe he wasn't ready for TKD. The instructor (Mr. J) said he'd do fine and really encouraged C through the process. Told him that everyone forgets things and that C needed to just do the best he could and ask questions when he needed help. Mr. J thinks C will do fine, but we need to talk with him (C) and see if he wants to continue with TKD. If he's not all that interested, we can wait a few months and try again.
Now, we're gonna go outside after eating some lunch and see what kind of fun we can have in the pool.....

with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves
A good movie with a PG rating, but very slow! Kate leaves the Lake House and puts a letter in the mailbox for the next renter. Alex retrieves the letter and reads it, but gets confused by her statements. Writes her back basically telling her she's daft. Kate then informs him it is 2006 and gives her address...which in his time (2004) hasn't even been built yet. They continue their correspondence and even 'take a walk' together through Chicago. The end of the movie offers a twist that makes the movie worth the wait! Do they end up together? OF COURSE! It's a movie after all!

Abide with Me

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Safety City, USA
The end of T-Ball
Here is a video of B's last score for the team!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Last Game of the Season
False Fortune

Before she can blink, Hannah Dain of Dain and Daughters Law Firm finds herself maneuvering down an embankment to help the woman stuck in the car that just flew over the cliff and into the lake below. Fighting memories, fear and soreness, Hannah helps the woman out and hears three words before paramedics take her to the hospital: “….should have died.” Haunted by this, she then finds herself being named lead counsel for the plaintiff in a case being handled by her sister. But this case was to be quickly settled…Hannah was only supposed to close the deal. What has she gotten herself into this time? Quickly Hannah realizes nothing is safe: her apartment, her life, her family. Through the determination of a new sister, Hannah follows the evidence and discovers more about herself than she ever realized was there.
False Fortune is number 4 in the Pinnacle Peak Mystery series, and Twist Phelan does a great job of continuing the story. These stories must be read in order, however, because if they are not, there are definite pieces missing leaving the reader to feel as if the story is incomplete. Phelan’s descriptions of the land and the Indian reservation were absolutely on target and she definitely leaves room at the end for another book in this series.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Update on B
T and I got talking about everything that's happened and can't remember a tick bite recently, and most tick fevers that I've read about happen within a week of the tick bite. But we remembered some tick bites back in May, and about a month ago B broke out in a rash on his arms and legs. We were told by a nurse at church that it was probably just contact dermatitis (which, from what I gather is what they call things when they don't know what it is!) and it went away. We also talked about the fact that the dr told us to keep the rashes/hives at bay in the future months, we would use Claritin or Singulair on B. WELL, we realized that for seasonal allerges, we did have him on Singulair at the time of the break out about a month ago...and wonder if he actually contracted the virus back then.... and that it flared up again now, but since B wasn't on his allergy meds (we got lazy!) it got really bad this time. So now we have even more incentive to be consistent with B's allergy meds! :)
I'm just so thankful that things are fine with B. He's been very cranky and cries at the least little thing right now, but he's like his momma in that respect.... LOL. But he's been up and playing and finally has his appetite back! We went out last night with a cousin of mine that was passing through town. B ate ALL of his own dinner and about 1/3 of mine! He just kept saying, "Mom, this is all so good, I'm just so hungry!" LOL I was happy he was eating....and figure the appetite will normalize in a few days.
Time to get ready for dinner....
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mysterious Illness
Around supper time last night, I noticed that his hands were really red again. So I checked his temp and he had a fever of 101. So we watched him through the night again and just kept track of the fever and the hives. But we decided at that point to definitely take him to the family doc this morning.
However, before i could even call the dr's office, T called me to let me know that there have been several cases of meningitis reported in our town. Oy! Then B woke up and was so swollen and puffy in his hands and face that he looked odd. :( He also walked down the hallway crying saying his feet were hurting to walk. So is this joint pain? Not sure. So I called the dr's office and got him an appointment. They questioned us on all sorts of things and the doc said he suspects it's viral and probably tick-borne. He acted like it could be meningitis,