This week has been a depressing week for me. :( I had a Tupperware party on Monday night that was a bust...1 person showed up! I was so very depressed. Then I found out that something was going to be happening tonight (Friday night) and I wouldn't be able to attend. Then I check my email and see a post in a chat group that is virtually
identical to one that I had posted earlier in the week. But
this person gets rave reviews about their post, while mine went completely unnoticed. So, let's just say that by Wednesday afternoon I was feeling pretty sorry for myself and having all sorts of pity-parties for myself. Ugh.
Terry came home for lunch ....which if you know our situation, you know that he NEVER comes home for lunch, especially on a Wednesday,
cuz it just takes TOO much time from his day and makes it harder for him to get to church that night, but the Lord sent him to help me. I believe this. .....anyway, we got talking and I told him how I was feeling and he said: "You know, it seems that with everything we know of going on with this family (won't mention names) and then with this person's dad, and now with how you're seems that Satan is really working hard to attack Christians right now. Maybe now that you know that, you'll feel better." I told him that I was almost afraid to go to church that night
cuz I didn't want to ADD to my feelings of being an outsider and end up feeling worse. But, I knew I would go,
cuz that was the right thing to do.
Well, let me tell you. The LORD showed me a thing or two that night. I learned of a family that afternoon (my next door neighbor) who is
dealing with a cheating husband and facing divorce....and they have only been married about 6 months.
They have a daughter who is only 10 months old (okay, so they put the cart before the horse, but NO ONE deserves this....)
How weird! As I was typing this, she came over with the baby to 'vent' and chat. :) So glad she felt like she could come over...she said she would do it again. Well, anyway, he is not willing to reconcile and she is finding herself in a situation that she never dreamed she would be in. When she married him, she thought she was marrying for life. Then at worship that night, we were going over prayer requests before beginning class and one lady brought up the family who is local that has recently had a multitude of problems come their
1) they are young (22 and 25) and have 7 kids already, 2 of which (the most recent) are twins. One of those twins had issues in-
utero and they knew she would have
problems on the outside. She ended up in St Louis in the
hospital, on a ventilator and the
Dr's told her she had to make a decision about continuing life the mom calls the dad who ends up leaving the other 6 kids with her dad so he can help in the
2) Something happened with their heating and he was using a wood stove (the young dad) and apparently it wouldn't light, so he threw on some gasoline.... Yeah, you know what happened. He is now in St
Louis hospital with 70% burns on his body.
3) Shortly after that, the mom is home with the kids and she hears
something from one of them about a lighter...then a neighbor pounding on
the door about flames coming from
the second story
windows... Well, there are oxygen tanks in
the house (for the sick baby) and she starts throwing them out the window while trying to get 7 kids out of the house. The house is old and apparently is GONE before they can barely call for help.
Then 4) while she is cleaning up the kids from the soot and such from the fire, she starts finding bruises and marks on the children....after an examination, she is told they have been physically (and most likely sexually) abused by her father...the one who was caring for them while mom and dad were in
the hospital in St Louis with the little baby.
SO! Needless to say, this story
completely put my 'woes' into
perspective and I
thank GOD for my problems....knowing they could be much worse. I am humbled and blessed and I'm sorry it took me all of this to realize it all yet again. God helped me push Satan away once again, and I'm thankful to Him.
Terry is doing much better...he's been working this week and only comign home when he needs to....well, when he needs to have the bandage changed. I have to do that, obviously. He is still having to have me put his socks and shoes on in the mornings, but I can deal with that. He just can't bend over or lift things yet. But he got all the 'packing' removed on Wednesday and he says it feels much much better not having all that gauze in there. !!!! We will both be so thankful when this is all completely over and we hope and pray it won't happen again.
We are decorating for Christmas this weekend....
I KNOW, it's not even Thanksgiving yet. But this year, we are having Christmas on Thanksgiving my house, so it HAS to be decorated. Not that I'm complaining. Hehe. An extra couple weeks to have my house decorated and I'm thrilled! :) Mom and dad will be here this weekend to help me, so I don't have to do it alone this year. That's a blessing. :)
I better go finish cleaning the kitchen and get some supper started.....