Terry still has a job (thankfully!)!
The boys and I haven't been sick (thankfully!)!
It's been warmer outside (thankfully!)!
We're SO ready for spring! It was nice enough today to go out and play with our neighbor....you'd think I had kept the boys inside for 3 months. Oh! Wait....I did. LOL They were so happy to be outside and didn't even care that they didn't have toys out there to play with...they were happy to play with sticks, leaves, and the wind. :-) It's a proud moment when they are so easily entertained!
We have a busy couple of weeks coming up...well, weekends. We have a ton of things to choose from each weekend and are finding ourselves a bit overwhelmed with all the options! Thankfully, we're getting good at saying no when needed and we're getting good at recognizing when we need a weekend at home. The time will come soon enough when those decisions are taken out of our hands and we'll find ourselves so busy we won't know which way is up!
One of these days I'll get my videos from the Sweetheart banquet on here so you can see what a great job the kids at church did serving others.
Till then!