Last month (end of June) brought my birthday (I'm now a whopping 31!!), which ended up lasting 4 or 5 days! Mom and dad came down and took us out for my birthday/Father's Day..went to Lamberts! YUM!
The very last week of June and first two days of July were spent at VBS... a VERY long week, but so very worth it! I got to teach the nursery class and really enjoyed getting to know a couple of our babies there. I'd forgotten how much I truly love to teach the baby class. The boys really enjoyed VBS and came home each night talking about what they learned, and at one point even debating on who's teacher told the story right! LOL
The weekend of the 4th, we went to Salem and spent the weekend...very nice weekend. Brent got to learn how to set off fireworks this year... Eeek! He did a really good job and I just stayed out of the way. Got a couple good pics that I will have to share soon.
Friday the 10th, we went to the zoo with our youth group. Wow...what a trip! There were 40-50 people from church that went to the zoo and while we went our separate ways within the zoo, we all ate lunch together in a little grassy area outside the zoo. We really had fun and the kids were all soooo good! Again, more pictures to come...probably within their own post. I got some REALLY good shots at the zoo!
Then the next morning on the 11th, the boys had a Tae Kwon Do Tournament in Cape. They both did really well... Brent got 2nd in Form and 3rd in Sparring; Clayton got 1st in Form and 1st in Sparring! :) They were both really happy...Clayton especially, as it was difficult to peel him off of my arm when we got there. :s Brent was a little disappointed, cuz he wanted to do better than he did, but we've talked about that and plan on having him talk with his teachers (black belts) to get some ideas on what he can do to improve and also ideas on what he can do when the other person is sparring in a certain way. Hopefully, he will do better next time. :)
This week (and next) Janice is here with us to go to some ball games and to see the TKD stuff. The boys are really enjoying their time with Grandma Niecey and have already played about 100 games of Canasta. (I'm so sick of that game, I'm ready to hide the cards!!)
Therapy continues as normal....Clayton has had some going backwards emotionally, but according to the testing they are doing periodically, he's going in the right direction brain-wise. So we'll just have to see how things continue. Brent should be done with his therapies by the end of this month, while Clayton will continue for a couple weeks after that.
That about covers it for now. Hopefully, I can find some time to do pictures and commenting soon!