
Thursday, February 26, 2009

End of February

There really isn't a whole lot that's new this week! But I feel compelled to write something! LOL

Terry still has a job (thankfully!)!

The boys and I haven't been sick (thankfully!)!

It's been warmer outside (thankfully!)!

We're SO ready for spring! It was nice enough today to go out and play with our'd think I had kept the boys inside for 3 months. Oh! Wait....I did. LOL They were so happy to be outside and didn't even care that they didn't have toys out there to play with...they were happy to play with sticks, leaves, and the wind. :-) It's a proud moment when they are so easily entertained!

We have a busy couple of weeks coming up...well, weekends. We have a ton of things to choose from each weekend and are finding ourselves a bit overwhelmed with all the options! Thankfully, we're getting good at saying no when needed and we're getting good at recognizing when we need a weekend at home. The time will come soon enough when those decisions are taken out of our hands and we'll find ourselves so busy we won't know which way is up!

One of these days I'll get my videos from the Sweetheart banquet on here so you can see what a great job the kids at church did serving others.

Till then!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nothing new

Nothing new has happened in the last week! I just felt compelled to come here and say that! LOL

We're continuing with school like normal and trying to stay on target with that. Terry is still working his normal 4 days a week. Last week his day off he was sick with fever, even though he got up and ran errands! (Silly man!) The boys and I had a homeschool thing to go to that day, so we were away from the house. But instead of staying in bed and getting sleep, Terry decided to get up and work through his sickness. *sigh*

Last weekend, when mom and dad were here for the Superbowl weekend, mom went out and went sledding with the kids. I got some great videos! :)

The boys (and Terry) also built a snowman in the front yard! He was SOOOO cute!

We had a carrot nose (of course) and Tricuits for eyes (!) and a slice of pink gum for his mouth (quite appropriate I thought!). But it was a good thing I got pictures of the next morning it had warmed up enough that his head had melted away! And by the time we came home from church, he was completely gone. That just may be the shortest lived snowman in history! LOL

These next two are of mom after she and Brent hit the ditch on the sled! We were all laughing so hard!

Coming up this weekend, we have a Sweetheart Banquet at church for the Junior Youth...where they have invited the Senior Saints of the congregation to be their Sweethearts! :) They have songs they will be singing for them and will be serving them dinner and everything. Can't wait! The boys are very excited and have been singing their songs here at home.

***I have no idea why the spacing is SO messed up with Blogger, but recently, that's been the norm! Sorry you had to wade through the extra spaces!***

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Newest developments

T's work had a company-wide meeting today letting them know about the newest job developments. So here's the scooop:

It was laid out in greater detail than I will provide here (cuz only parts of it apply to us, thankfully!), but suffice it to say that they are laying off about 20% of their employees...out of about 1,000 people. The rest are still on mandatory 4-day weeks, with the 5th day being a vacation day (so they get paid for that day), but are also now being required to take one week of un-paid vacation per quarter (3 months). We're not sure yet when that will happen for Terry (when his week off will be) but we're already looking at how this is affecting us financially.

We'll be okay...God will provide. He will take care of us. :)

I feel really sorry for the rest of the people who are being laid off. They are regular folk, just like us, and many have families. It's not like they are only choosing the ones who are just couples or single. (Of course not, that would be discrimination! LOL) It's just so scary, cuz we also believe that this is only Round 1....there will more than likely be more coming in the next 3-5 who is next?? Could it be us?? Who knows...