
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas is OVER! :)

Well, the holiday season is finally over. Hehe. I say finally because we've literally been celebrating since Thanksgiving! The kids have received so many gifts (great gifts!) that they will be busy long into the year! I think the BEST gift they got this year was one that was completely unexpected and NOT asked for on their Santa lists: roller skates! Brent got blue and Clayton got pink (YES, pink....those were the only two choices and besides, he LOVES pink!). They spent Christmas day and the day after in skates. Literally! I had to make the boys take them off to go to bed...they couldn't understand why they couldn't' sleep with the skates on! HA! But it was quite interesting to see them figure out how to move on the skates, but they did quite well.

Terry got me an MP3 player, which is something I have been asking for for months. He never could understand what I wanted with one until he saw the excitement on Brent's face when he got an audio book and realized I could upload the book to the MP3 player for traveling! So much use will come from it...I'm so excited!

We had a great time with the extended family in St Louis in Janice's hospital room. Yes, 16 of us piled in her hospital room to exchange gifts last Thursday night. It was a short holiday for her, but one I know she enjoyed. We sang Christmas songs and worship songs (she asked for that...she hasn't been to worship since the first of August due to the hospital stays!) and she really enjoyed it all. She got teary-eyed with it, but it was a good thing. :) On Saturday, we did the Smith Christmas and got visit with Lenell for a few hours and catch up with her before she leaves for the Ivory Coast.

Now, we're just trying to remember what a routine is (we have gotten our days and nights mixed up with all the late nights!) and put everything away. Terry goes in for his colonoscopy and surgery next Wednesday. Tuesday should prove to be interesting....the prep for it. If you've never had a colonoscopy, find someone who has and ask them about the prep for it..... It isn't fun! After that, it's a couple weeks of recovery time. Hopefully I can maintain a semblance of a routine while he's home. :)

Happy New Year everyone!

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