Wow. Well, we went into Salem this weekend to help out with Janice and to be half-way to a birthday party for my cousin's baby (who isn't a baby anymore...he's 2!). We got into Salem after 11, then had to go to town to get a birthday gift, and by the time we got back to J's and got to bed, it was after 2. Well, at almost 3 I woke up to J coughing and sounding like she
couldn't get her breath, so I woke Terry up to check on her. By the time he got to her door, she quit!
LOL Anyway, with him jumping out of bed like that, he got a leg cramp that he needed rubbed. :( So by the time that was all said and done, it was after 330. So tired.
We went to the party, had a blast and ended up staying for dinner with the family. Had so much fun with baby J! :) Got home, got to bed around 12, but it was actually 1 with the time change.
Sunday morning, I got up and was getting ready to start the coffee when Janice called from her room that she needed to potty. She said, "I just need to sit on the pot". So I helped her up and was supporting her (with the walker) so she could go to the bathroom...when she stopped at her pot-chair in her room. Which was covered with things. I misunderstood where she was headed and so when I saw her reach over to take off a pillow that was up on the pot-chair, I moved my arms to move the rest of the stuff. Wrong move.... Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her tumbling to the floor. I moved quickly and was able to get my hand under her head to keep it from hitting anything, but she still ended up falling. I called out to Terry
and he came and between the two of us, we got her up and all was okay. But Terry could tell I was not okay. He got her settled back in bed and came to find me. I asked if she was okay and he said, "Yes, but I came to check on you." I just lost it. I ended up crying this hysterical sobbing cry over what could have happened and how I felt so bad for letting her seems like when she starts to make
progress (like she has...she's walking more with her walker this time!!), something happens to set her back, and this time I would have been the one at fault for that happening. I felt so bad. :( Of course, he reassured me that it wasn't my fault and the sister's told me later that it could have (and has) happened to ANY of us, and that it's no one's fault when it happens. Falls with older people are gonna happen. It took me a while to feel better, but Janice heard me crying and wanted to talk to me...she felt bad that I felt bad. She told me to laugh about it
cuz it was silly. I'm still not quite there yet, but I'm getting there. At least now I can think of it without crying. So scary.
Well, we got home late last night,
cuz yesterday morning just wiped me out emotionally....I HAD to have a nap yesterday. It was good for all of us to be able to visit some extra time, anyway. My arm is sore today (very sore) from trying to catch her, but I think it's just a pulled muscle or something. Oh the joys.... :)
I'm working on some school for the boys today and we have
TKD tonight. I was told last week that they would most likely test this week for their next belt. :-) So exciting! :)