I just had an issue with the Rubik's cube! I HATE those things! We've
been working on learning the process and Terry is the only one who can do it successfully. But he's been teaching me and Brent...of course, Brent is MUCh better than me! :( Anyway, Brent had it messed up and asked me to fix it. So I got the one side done (like you're supposed to do) and

started the next step.....which messed it up all over again. I just got so frustrated. I told the boys that I was getting it back to the way I had it and then I was putting the stupid thing up till Daddy came home and could help me! (Yes, I said the S word! :( ) Well, they looked at me like my head was spinning, and Clayton said, "But mom you said a bad word." So I had to explain why I said what I did and that doing the R-Cube makes me feel stupid and that I don't like intentionally on purpose doing things that make me feel stupid! Anyway, I ended up crying cuz of how bad I was feeling about all of it (I knew I was acting like an idiot, but did that stop me? NO!). I assured them no one was in trouble and i wasn't mad, I was just stopping myself from getting grumpy and being in a bad mood all afternoon.
Oh gravy....what a bad mom I was!
On another note....
Brent was feeling very sick to his stomach last night...well all afternoon yesterday. He basically layed on the couch from about 3 on. He asked to sleep with his daddy last night and we decided it would be okay. So, then while I was reading (on the couch, getting ready to sleep) Terry came in and said, "Honey I need your help...." Yep, you guessed it....Brent had thrown up all over our bed. :( And he'd had Ramen Noodles for dinner cuz he wanted soup. Yuck! Puts a whole new perspective on Ramen Noodles! LOL Anyway, we got him cleaned up, stripped the bed (sheets, comforter, pillows, and mattress pad...all soaked!), put down a towel where the wet spot was and put on fresh sheets. I started a load of the sheets (yes, at 12:30 AM!) so it would make today go better, and everyone went back to bed. Then he woke up this morning runnin around and acting crazy! Obviously he's feeling much better, so I'm not sure what caused it. :(
And I JUST washed my comforter last week (at a friends', cuz my washer isn't big enough!)....so frustrating. :) Oh well...not like he did it on purpose! LOL
1 comment:
I don't think I could ever do a Rubik's Cube. My kids have been sick, too, and Kevin threw up last night, but luckily he warned me first and I had a towel ready.
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