Since that time, mom made a trip to OK to see J&J, and I took her to the airport and then picked her up again a week later. The boys really enjoyed that adventure....seeing the airplanes and such. Seeing their mother road-rage in St Louis. LOL
We made a couple trips to Salem to help care for J...she is doing remarkably better. Able to stand more on her own (with a walker, anyway), walking better, and showing improvement in her overall attitude. We're so pleased that she's doing better, even if we are shocked! :)
Chase is home and has since had his second surgery to remove the colostomy bag. We finally got to see (and hold) him this past weekend and I'm SOOOO happy! He's absolutely beautiful. I have to share this part: the two times that Terry held him, Chase would just fuss and cry...and as soon as Terry gave him back to me, he would quiet down. :-) I just thought that was cool. But, like I told Terry...I hope that doesn't continue...I don't want him to not be able to hold Chase. But it was cool for that one time. LOL
Clayton has graduated from Thursday School! (I will post pictures soon.) He was so proud to stand up on that stage and get his diploma and his new "Thursday School Bible". I got a couple good pictures...darn camera...and I know you will love them!
We spent this past weekend in St Louis at the St Louis Homeschool Expo. We learned so very much and plan on doing some changes to our school and our lives....more on that in the next couple of days.
Dad was installed as an elder at their congregation yesterday and we were able to be there for it. So touching and nice. But like I told him, I wasn't surprised in the least! :)
In the next couple of weeks, we have so much going on. We are continuing to work on the house to prepare it for the possibility of selling it sometime in the near future. Although, I just don't know how to get all of that done. Mom has been helping me for a couple weeks, and sometimes I still get depressed and feel like I'm spinning my wheels. :( But it will happen the way it's supposed to happen. We start T-Ball soon...the practices begin this week. On a Wednesday, no-less. I'm gonna have to call their coach and let him know that the boys won't be there on Wednesday nights. Hope he's okay with that! Terry has another surgery coming up; we don't have the date scheduled yet. They will be putting a plug in, and there is only a 60% chance that it will work. So we will see. It means 4-6 weeks of him not being able to do much of anything that requires lifting or exerting more than 10 lbs. So that means that all the garden and yard work is now left to me for the majority of the summer! Oh, dear! I'm not looking forward to that at all....I am an INSIDE person. LOL
Okay, I have to go...more housecleaning to do, things to pick up, clothes to fold...and dinner to prepare. The boys have TKD this evening as well. I'm hoping to get some pictures posted later this week.
1 comment:
I hear ya about wanting someone else to do all the outside work!!! lol It's not Jeremy's 'thing'. (sigh)
I am anxious for things to settle down in your life somewhat. But, I know that what God leads you to he'll guide you through; you've heard that saying, right?? Often during a time of great burden I feel that God allows me to endure it just until I feel that I'm about to SNAP, and then it lets up. I expect it'll go like that for you, too. I pray for that.
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