Recently, a friend of ours was able to find a whole slew of tadpoles that we all divvied out and brought home to raise. We've had them in a container (probably equivalent to a 10 gallon aquarium) about half filled with water...there are 7 tadpoles. Slowly over the last few weeks, we've watched them grow in size. We feed them the boiled, frozen lettuce that we were told they liked. Well, yesterday we looked closely at them and noticed that they have legs! Their legs have officially sprouted and the more exciting parts begin happening now. (below is an example of what they look like.)
Well, then last night I was making more lettuce for them (boiling it) and I got distracted with Clayton. Next thing you know, I started catching whiffs of this burning smell. But I had the windows open, so didn't think much of it at the time. Then Terry comes back and says, "Did you mean for this thing you have on the stove to burn?" Well, DUH! Of course not! So I ran to the kitchen and saw that it had burned dry...only lettuce crisps were in the bottom of the pan and they were VERY black! Oy. So I set it aside and was worried about ruining my pan. BUT, thank goodness, this morning I was able to soak it and scrub it and it seems to be fine. :) Whew!
Hopefully soon I'll be able to post some pictures of what our frogs look like as they get bigger! :)

Hopefully soon I'll be able to post some pictures of what our frogs look like as they get bigger! :)
Hi Amanda! We raised tadpoles last spring after tons and tons of rain brought puddles full of them to KS. You can read about our fun here: They all ended up dying. :o(
Ooh! Tadpoles! Exciting! And I thought we had excitement around here, rediscovering lightning bugs! :)
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