After that, we went to WM and did some shopping, and of course forgot about 4 things! Argh...that's what I get for not making a list! But we didn't get home till about 9:15 and by the time the kids watched a show and got to bed, it was really late.
Oh! I forgot to post this the other day, but on Wednesday night in the middle of the night we were awakened by our smoke detector (the one in the boys' room) going off! Talk about a rude awakening! We were both out of bed and checking all the rooms...and there was nothing. So Terry figured it was the battery in the detector and changed it, knowing we'd have to change all of them. (And oddly, this must be a God thing...I was just thinking right before I fell asleep that it had been awhile since we had changed the batteries and I needed to remind Terry to do that this weekend!) Well, then on Friday morning, the kids and I were outside and I heard another detector going off...this time the one in the schoolroom! So, needless to say, when we got home Friday night, Terry went through and changed the batteries in the rest of the detectors. Scary for a bit though! My heart was literally pounding OUT of my chest that night!
On Saturday morning, I woke up with my eyes burning and told Terry we HAD to turn the air allergies wouldn't let me take much more of it. So he and the boys we outside while I made breakfast and washed off the air conditioner. But we didn't turn it on at that point....Terry wanted to take the time to put weather stripping on the windows before turning the air on. :( So...we did. But after doing only 1 window and realizing how hard it would be to get them all done before we had to leave, he decided to stop after one. LOL But by the time we got the air on, it was 82 in the house and only dropped to 78 by the time we got home that night at 10. !!! It was hot and the AC had to work! But it got the moisture out of the air and that helped tremendously!
That evening, we had a area-wide church picnic in Cape that we went to. It was alot of fun and the food was GOOD! The kids had fun playing and didn't even get into that many fights! LOL Afterwards, we got invited back to some friends' house to visit for a bit. The kids played and didn't want to stop even at 930!
We got the boys to bed that night and everyone went to sleep. Then at 3 AM, there came a HUGE lightning and thunder storm! Instantly, we had Clayton in bed with us, and then while Brent was coming in, he realized he had a bloody nose (which lasted nearly 30 minutes...he's SO my son!). So by the time I got them back settled in bed, promising the storm was over and they could go back to their room, it was pushing 4. Well, wouldn't you know it...about the time I get back to sleep, I hear thunder. Another storm was moving in and here comes Clayton back in our bed! So I just left him at that point. I needed sleep! But then we OVERslept and missed Bible class and barely made it in time for worship!
After church, we went to Cape to do some shopping and eat lunch and then we came home and crashed. Took the kids to the part around 630 to ride their bikes (since we had missed church!) and then came home and spent some time as a family.
All in all was a very nice and busy weekend. But we had fun. We worked together and tried to get some rest for the crazy week we have coming up! :)
1 comment:
ooh, ooh, I'm interested to hear about your big week coming up! And ... can we please have some more things in common...?? Nose bleeds!!!!! argh!
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