Friday night we headed out for a baby shower for one of Terry's cousins. He took off early so he could go by a place and get new inserts for his boots, and so we could shop for our food contribution for the Cajun Boil and Trivia night. After running our errands, we decide to drive (to get past the curves!) before eating dinner. We get to Bloomfield and see a sign for Cowtown...a restaurant we've heard of, but never been to. Wow! We literally drove up into (what looked like) someones yard...driving past corn/soybean fields...till we got to the 'restaurant' which was a metal building. BUT! They have AWESOME food and fried catfish that is out of this world! The sides are ALL homemade and are delicious! We have plans to go back again, but the drive is something to consider.
We made it to the shower, albeit about an hour late! But we got to visit with all of Terry's family that was there, so we really enjoyed that part. WE left there about 10:30 and got home after midnight. :( By the time we got the kids down and we got to bed, it was nearly 2! Needless to say we slept in on Saturday morning. LOL
After getting around Saturday, we headed down for the Cajun Boil at church...what fun that is! Everyone contributes some amount of food (ranging from shrimp, crawfish, potatoes, sausage, corn on the cob, onions, garlic, dessert!) and it's cooked up and just dumped out on a table lined with newspaper! YUM-O! A bit spicy and very delicious! Then after everyone has eaten their fill, we get to play trivia that Scott has dreamed, found in books and/or the Internet. 10 categories, with 10 questions each. It is hilarious how much we just pull out of the air when we don't know the answers and how much fun we have doing it! We get really stupid too.... For instance, one of the questions was "how long is the Statue of Liberty's index finger?" Well, who really cares????? LOL but, I got smart (imagine that!) and stuck my index finger on my nose and said, "As long as her nose???" Of course, that got a laugh from some...probably at how stupid I was! LOL (It's 8 feet, btw!) Anyway, we're divided into teams of 4-6 and we can come up with our own 'team names'...ours was Oompa Loompas! But there was Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Blissfully Unaware (hi Steph!!!), Us, The Fabulous Five, and others. I don't remember them's so much fun! We left there 6-ish and headed home to get ready for church the next morning!
Of course, then yesterday was worship and afternoon naps! (for me anyway!) We got home from church last night and ate supper and went to bed! We were actually in bed and going to sleep by 11:30 last night!!!! (I know, not a miracle for some, but for us it is!)
Today was slow going and yet, we still got school done! Woohoo! Now, we're off to bed again to do it all over again tomorrow!
1 comment:
One of these days I'm going to get to attend a Cajun Boil. Jeremy tells me such fun stories of the crawfish boils he remembers from his childhood!
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