We started the month out with a follow-up appointment for C with the dr regarding his tummy/bowel issues. The Dr. Mark suggested we stay on the laxative for another 3 months to make sure that things are where they need to be. He didn't do an X-ray this time, which kinda bugged me. C's been nearly impacted through all this so far and he said it could take up to 6 months to clear it! So I'm assuming he'll do another x-ray in June when we go back. However, we did ask him about the sick feeling C's been complaining of for some time now. Every time he eats, he says he feels sick and can't eat. So he's been eating less and less, yet when he does eat, we try to get him to eat the right things. *sigh* Mark put him on Zantac pills for 2 weeks. We got a week into them and couldn't do it anymore. They were causing more of an issue to get him to swallow the pills than what it was worth. So for now, we're just waiting and seeing what we can do.
On the 11th of the month, we were preparing to go to Salem for a week (Terry's week off for the quarter). The plan was to leave on Thursday evening and be gone about a week. Well, Brent started running a fever on Wednesday morning. Very low, but fever. Then on Friday, Clayton starts running a fever. Same thing...very low. I finally took Brent to the Dr to have him tested for strep (since we'd been exposed) and they also tested him for the Flu. He was negative for both, thankfully. They just continued to run fever and we kept having to postpone our trip. Well, on Sunday morning, they both woke up without fever so we went to church and then left for Salem.
That Monday, Terry took us all out to the woods so he could cut some logs and do some trimming. It was fun...Clayton found a 'little brown jug' in the woods that was completely in tact. He kept tipping it up and saying he was a pirate! LOL We loaded the truck with wood and went back to the house. A cousin came to play with the boys that evening and I cooked dinner for everyone....fried chicken breast, cabbage, hash brown casserole, etc. Yummy dinner! Then the boys came in and asked us to take a hike with them...so the four of us set out across the field. We walked down across the hay field and back to the house...about a mile. It was pretty much dark by the time we got back, but it felt good to walk outside!
The next morning, I woke up not feeling so great, but figured it was just allergies... My throat was dry and it hurt to swallow. But we went through the day visiting with Janice and just getting things done. That night we went to D's for dinner and had a good visit with her, but as the night went on I just kept feeling worse and worse. I had Terry check my throat...sure enough: WHITE. He said there was more white than pink in my throat. :( So the next morning I started calling around trying to get an appointment to get some meds, and what a chore that was! I really didn't want to go to the ER, as our copay was higher, especially when I knew what was wrong! I finally found an office that would take me and got some meds. Just so happened the Nurse Practitioner I saw was an old buddy of Terry's from high school! :) So while I layed on the table in misery, they got to sit there and catch up on old times. LOL
Well, that was on Wednesday and my fever didn't break until Thursday night. After we got back home. :( So much for a 'spring break', huh?? But boy it felt good to get home...I really wanted to come home on Tuesday, but Terry was making so much progress getting some things done on the farm that I hated to ask him to bring me home. I just sat in the recliner bundled up and watched TV in between naps.
Friday of that week (the 13th) we had a junior youth activity at the church building so that the parents could have a Parents Night Out. We and another couple were chaperone's for the youth group and we ended up turning it into a mini-lock-in for them. It was so much fun...relay races, pizza, games, musical chairs, movie, and the cotton bowl! (This one was really fun...we gave each of them 10 cotton balls and a plastic spoon. Had them divided into two teams and spread them out around a great big bowl. They had to 'flip' their cotton balls into the bowl with their spoon, and continue till all team members' cotton balls were in the bowl. Really quite fun! :))
The next day, Saturday, my cousin came up for a visit and we got to spend the entire day just sitting and visiting. Ahh.... Terry grilled some steaks and we ate and had a great time. We haven't gotten to sit and visit like that in so long....It really was a treat.
Sunday afternoon, the Junior Youth was scheduled to sing at the local Veteran's Home in Cape. They sang some of their Pew Packers songs and did a really great job. The veteran's really enjoyed it.
[Side-note here.... I mentioned before about C saying he felt sick to his stomach. Well, he has also been complaining about his heart beating really fast and it kinda freaks him out. He holds his hand over his heart and just sits there. Well, I've timed his heartbeats and they are within normal range, but it's beating really hard, to the point that it is really pounding in his chest. Terry and I had been toying with the idea that it is almost like panic attacks. So we're at the Veteran's Home and all seems to be well with him...he's chatting with his friends and seems fine. Then it's time to go in and sing....he won't let go of Terry's hand. Terry finally convinces him to hold Brent's hand, but he wouldn't sing and his face was really pale. Well, then they started doing the action songs and Brent let go of C's hand. Clayton quickly put his hand over his heart and just stood there. He was having a panic attack. :( We're really concerned over it all...and just not sure what to do with it. It bugs me though, cuz he's SIX! My 6 yo shouldn't be having panic attacks!]
At the end of the last week of March, we had our home school convention in St. Louis. The boys stayed with mom and dad and had a Lord of the Rings marathon. :) They really enjoyed that! Terry and I enjoyed the convention, but it wasn't as good (for us) as years past. We're thinking that perhaps we don't need to go every year, unless we have a specific need.
The first of April, B had an appointment for his palette expander and we were told NOT to turn it anymore...he gets it off on June 3rd!! ;) Woohoo! Brent is SO happy that he will finally be able to chew gum again! LOL
This past weekend, we had our Gospel Meeting at church with Phil Sanders of Edmond, OK. Phil preaches now at the Edmond Church of Christ and we were so blessed to have him with us. He spoke a couple of different times on post-modernism and it was very eye-opening. Wow.
That brings me up-to-date! Whew... The next few weeks are going to be even busier than these last ones...hopefully I won't get so far behind on blogging. LOL Now, I have to go cook something for dinner cuz Brent has his first baseball practice at 6:30 tonight! :)
We're going again...
PS I have some pictures I hope to post later this week...it will be a post full of pics! :)
**MAN** ... I agree with you that C needn't be having panic attacks at age SIX!! There are so many strange little quirky physical things going on with him that it makes me wonder (Doesn't hurt that I just finished an episode of Mystery Diagnosis!!) if they're all somehow interconnected. Like, something going on with some gland we don't even know the name of, or something. (sigh) Tough to take.
Your March WAS busy!! Too bad you had to be sick there in the middle. gr
I am just now reading your updates while I am on here updating too! I am waaay behind too, like back in Feb!! whoa....sorry to hear about C. I hardly get to see or talk to you at church, so I have to read your blog to get updates! sad....we are going be extremely busy the next couple of months too:)
Oh yes, it's been quite interesting to say the least in regards to C. I *know* in my heart he will be fine and God will take care of him and us, but until we get it all figured out, it's just so disconcerting! There's so much more that I didn't take the time to post. Hopefully we'll learn more this week when we see Dr. Worth again! :)
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