We saw the new doctor and chatted with her for just a short amount of time. Sadly, she was VERY "my way or the highway" about things and basically told me that she was not going to budge on any part of her "plan" and if we didn't want to give in to that, then she wouldn't be our doctor. ~sigh~ I left the building in tears (out of frustration) and Terry said to me, "I'm done with them...we won't be back." We made the decision to go back to our first OB and have a sit-down-heart-to-heart with her. I basically laid it out to her and told her how she was making me feel (stressed) and explained my position...she understood and ended up being more willing to work with me. She's still being very cautious, which is annoying, but if she's willing to work with me on things, I'm willing to work with her. =)
We had another ultrasound and found out that we're having a GIRL! ;) We're excited, but nervous at the same time...girls are SO different! LOL Now the task of picking out a name, since the name we've had picked out for a girl (for 13 years!) doesn't feel right to me. Terry's about to toss me out the window! LOL
We started construction on the basement this past weekend. Well, I say "we"...it was really Terry and his sister and BIL and a friend from church; then mom and dad and another friend from church came later in the day. They got all the exterior walls put up and one interior wall....Now Terry has to go back and finish the interior walls, the electrical (unless our church friend does the rest of it) and the dry wall. Then we have to get someone to do the flooring and the bathroom. There's still SOOOO much to be done.
I have officially started my last trimester...we have 13 weeks left to go. :) I'm getting more tired during the days and feeling like I need more rest....it's just so hard for me to nap in the day anymore. LOL
Our goal is to have school completely finished with the boys by the first week or so of May...so far, we're on track with that. I just hope we can do it! I'm not sure that I'll have all the grading done and time tallied at that point, but if that is all I have to worry about in May then I'll be doing pretty good! :)
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