Thursday, May 31, 2007
Email Experiment
This was based on the email that was going around about a student whose teacher had them do this as an assignment...but that was proved by Snopes to be false/fake. So I wanted to see exactly what would happen if I actually did what the fake email said.
We shall see! If you're interested in helping, let me know!
Company's A'Comin...
But for the weekend, we have company coming to watch B's practice and spend a couple days with us. The boys are so excited! They have been helping me clean house all day today begging me for a time when they will get here. I simply don't know an exact time. But it will be before supper.
Things are going well...we all seem to be staying healthy. Oops..did I just really say that? I normally jinx myself when I say that! LOL
Till later...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Basement...
I worried about having teh boys down there with us, cuz I knew we would be sorting through a bunch of old toys. I figured they would want to pull back out anything we put inthe 'give away' pile. And they did. But not too bad. I have to say, they did pretty good. I think we only ended up with about 5 little toys back upstairs that were designated for Goodwill. Howver, I don't htink they realize completely all the things we'll be getting rid of . But not to worry...when things get taken down there, they will not be a part of it! :)
We even found some things that we have no idea how they got down there.... One was a Brand New box of ice cream cones...unopened. !!!! I have NOT a clue as to how they got there, but there there were. We also found a TON of homeschooling art supplies, that, thankfully, I haven't re-bought cuz I didn't know their location. It's amazing what happens when things get clean! LOL
Now, we can see the basement floor! Now, we can find our exercise equipment! Now, we can possibly have school in the basement and be able to spread out a bit more! I am so excited!
Friday, May 25, 2007

Something That Lasts

After Reverend David Parst is accused of infidelity, the man who accused him kills himself outside the church building. David's son, Jack, and wife Sarah, leave him and David is left to deal with the repercussions of his actions. Sarah remains calm and peaceful through it all, but jack gets bitter and can't bring himself to forgive his father. Years later, it's Jacks wife that helps bridge the gap that has spanned 3 generations to create Something That Lasts in the family.
An okay book.....
This Heavy Silence

As a reclusive farmer, Dottie can't figure out why Zela (her oldest and dearest friend) has left Mattie in her care. Dottie is not motherly. Dottie is not friendly. Dottie is not open. Yet for some reason, Zela thought she was the right person. After Mattie comes of age, she leaves the farm declaring she doesn't want to become like Dottie. Slowly Dottie admits her wrongs and does what is best for Mattie - and what Zela would have wanted all along.
I really did NOT enjoy this book. :( It ended VERY abruptly and left many loose ends....and was somewhat hard to follow in the process. Not recommended.....
Levi's Will

Will McGruder has been called home for his father's funeral. So with Riley - Will's oldest son - he returns home. But while they are there, the memories come flooding back...
After his sins have been exposed and he's been banned from his Amish church and family, Will Mullet runs away and changes his name to Will McGruder. Will joins the military and goes to fight overseas in order to serve his country, but memories from his past continue to follow him. Will marries and has children, and when he reaches the date when he can no longer be charged with fraud, he tells his wife of his true past. She then demands that he give up his military service. As their children grow, so does the distance between Will and Helen. Slowly, Will comes to terms with his past and receives forgiveness from his father and family. But most importantly Will reconciles with God and learns to let go of the pain and bitterness he's held onto for all these years.
A great read!!

She has the perfect life: a beautiful house on the water, a loving husband, and her painting. And after spending years looking over her shoulder, Mellie thinks she’s finally safe. But then that perfect world is shattered when she’s out with a friend and spots “that face,” Mellie knows she has to run. Leaving her house and husband behind, Mellie finds herself in Amish country—at the home of Lela Deninger, a single, Amish woman with a room to rent. Mellie’s husband is truly lost without her and can’t figure out why she left. With the help of a close friend, he discovers that he is closer to the answer than he realizes. As Mellie waits with Lela for a phone call that will tell her what to do, she finds herself connecting with God in a way she never thought possible. Then when she finds out a depressing truth about her husband, Mellie realizes her true Sanctuary is in the Lord.
I truly enjoyed this book and read it with ease. Lewis has a wonderful way of drawing the reader in and holding their attention!
The author was born in the heart of Amish country—Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She didn’t start writing about that area until her children were in middle school,with her first book published in 1993.
New York Times bestseller Beverly Lewis is a very prolific writer. Once again she has taken her enthusiastic fans deep into the world of the Amish. Her adult fiction includes: Annie’s People series, Abram’s Daughters series, The Heritage of Lancaster County series The Postcard/The Crossroad series plus her youth fiction, The Cul-de-Sac Kids series, Girls Only (GO!) series, ages 8-13 and Holly’s Heart series and Summerhill Secrets series ages 11-14.
Armchair Interviews says: Beverly Lewis does it again.
A part of yesterday I forgot....
When we got to the dealership, they were asking what was wrong and getting our information. So T deferred to me since I was the one driving. So I proceed to tell what happened and give our home phone number as a contact. T says, "Better give you my cell as well since you'll need to call me to tell me what's wrong with it..." and he proceeds to rattle off his cell number. So, then the guy looks at him and says, "So are you her dad, then?" We just bust out laughing...and said, "no, husband." He apologized and we just told him we laughed cuz it's been about 6 years since we had that happen to us!
I told T last night that that was like the cherry on top of the sundae for my day....just finished the bad day off correctly.
Thursday, May 24, 2007

So, now we're eating a rushed dinner cuz we have T-ball practice tonight. And the boys and I are extremely cranky after being stuck in the van for an hour and a half while cars whizzed by us. Bless them, they did really well...they only complained for about half the time we wre in the van! LOL
And on top of it all, the Ford dealership here says they can't even touch it until the end of next week...that's how backed up that are! SO, we're down to one car for a while.... Thank goodness we paid the extra money to have the extended bumper to bumper warranty on the van...this will cover it! :)
So, anyone got any cheese to go with my whine??? :)
A New American Idol! Jordin Sparks!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007
What a weekend!
That evening I went to a wedding shower for a friend who's getting married on Memorial weekend. It was great fun and we all embarrassed her a little! :)
We also found out that an elder at the Salem congregation passed away on Friday. Terry is wanting to go to the funeral, so we'll see what we can work out.
Let's wait and see what happens the rest of the week....
Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy Monday...
On Sunday, we celebrated B's birthday with the family there and had a blast! Of course, he made out like a bandit getting presents, cards, and money!
I don't have much to say right now...I'm sorta in a funk. Not really wanting to talk with anyone.....
Guess I'll go clean some house.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Another day...
I will be going to a stamping party tonight...can't wait. I always enjoy that sort of thing. I have much to do before then....more folding laundry, more schooling (reading on the couch since we're not feeling well), and straightening up.
That's it for today...will be doing a book review later and get it posted.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Laughing Man
Norah's Ark

Norah's Ark
by Judy Baer
ISBN 978-0373785667
I absolutely loved this book by Judy Baer. Norah has a special love for animals and humans alike...especially those in need of her assitance. So she has her own business, Norah's Ark, a petshop where she arranges the adoption of animals of all kinds. Working on a quiet street that leads to a lake, Norah loves her quiet neighborhood. Having friends is only a part of the charm offered by this quiet street. She also has wonderful places to shop.
Bentley, Norah's skittish dog, loves his human and intuitively knows her needs. But Officer Nick doesn't like Bentley so much...but Norah likes Nick. So what will Bentley do? How can he help his human get connected with this skittish cop?
A wonderful book on love, forgiveness, misunderstandings, and grace. Another great novel by Baer!
Off to eat some breakfast and then go outside and paint C's desk for him. :) Maybe we'll do some school outside too.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
School is going better
Then last Saturday, we went to a school sale and found some desks for sale ($5 each!) and have them in place of the table we were using. It's amazing what that does! Now we just have to get the right chairs (one that does NOT swivel, please!) and we'll be all set for a while.
We'll be doing school all through the summer since we missed so much time last winter being sick. But I'm not going to be really rigid with it. We're just gonna work a little each day and take field trips when we want to. LOL
Happy Feet
Starring: Robin Williams, Nicole Kidman, and Elijah Wood
After reading all of the reviews I could find, both good and bad, we finally had a chance to watch Happy Feet. We had originally said we wouldn't let the boys watch it at all, but then decided they could watch it after us, and only if we thought it was okay. I had heard so many negatives about the movie from Plugged In Online and really didn't want my boys watching that. They see these things on cartoon movies and think it's okay and that it's 'cute'. That is what the movie people WANT us to believe...they are trying to trick our children, and I will not let them trick mine. Plus, I had heard so many friends and relatives say how cute the movie was and encouraged me to let my children watch it. I didn't want to be bullied, though, and stood my ground. Many people thought I was being a prude in not allowing my children to watch it. Oh well.
We finally decided that we would watch it with the boys so that we could immediately address anything that came up. Well, let me just tell you: it was one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. The dancing was cool, yes. But the music was TOO MUCH...sexual inuendos and sexual songs included. But there were just too many songs for our liking, and frankly for our boys' liking. C fell asleep half way through it. That's how bored he was! LOL
It teaches a good moral about acceptance and being nice to those who are different from us, but the "aliens are taking all our fish" got on my nerves after a while. I got sorta sick of the agenda that was being forced on us.
What I was really suprised about was that B was able to pick out the bad stuff for himself. He kept asking, "Is that bad?" "Oh, they shouldn't say that!" Or, "That wasn't nice." I was proud that he knew the difference.
All in all, it wasn't a BAD movie...just not one we want in our house. It was dumb and we don't want to subject ourselves to it again. If the boys watch it at someone's house, I have no problems with it. We just won't be watching it at ours anymore.
The Dr. is in
Then my other leg wasn't 'bouncing' right and only my foot was twitching. So he determined that my 'apprentisement' was blocking something and had to be fixed. While he 'fixed' me, I was trying to figure out what an apprentisement was. I finally figured it out: My nephew had just (that week) had to have an emergency appendectomy and he was confusing that with the word advertisement. SO! I got that all worked out and I was healed.
But during the process, of course C wants to get involved. So B tells him he can be the nurse. While B was working on my legs, C worked on my head and arms. (Apparently, I was one messed up patient!) Well, B went looking for something, a tool of some sort to work on me with, and couldn't find it. He finally discovered that C had it...and said, "Those nurses! Always using us doctors' tools and trying to be like us!" LOL I just about cracked up!
Apparently they did a good job on me....I haven't had to be seen by the dr since that day! :)
When the Bluebonnets Come
by John Dwyer
ISBN: 978-0976822417
Reviewed for Armchair Interviews
Katie Shanahan loves her daddy, Ethan. Ethan is the pastor of one of the many churches in Cotton Patch, Texas and is fighting the coming of a 'family entertainment complex'...also known as a gambling and horse-racing complex. Churches are burned and people are hurt. Money seems to be driving force.
Katie shows us the way events occurred from her point of view as an 8-year-old child. Sometimes her knowledge is firsthand, sometimes it is what she figures happened. But the end result is the same: her daddy isn't happy with the situation, the town, or the people, and he struggles to find peace through it all. Katie sees how all men fail and fall and make mistakes, and how the same men can make restitution for those mistakes. God is there for all of them and offers grace to repentant hearts. Ethan Shanahan included.
Hearts are softened by the one man who stood up to the rich men--and for what was right. Ethan never wavered, but was gentle in his argument against the new complex. Finally everyone involved sees the light and has a change of heart. In the end, Katie is still living on the family farm with her children, riding horses and showing them the bluebonnets of Texas.
I struggled with this book for several reasons. I find it hard to believe the view of a child seeing or knowing so many conversations. There was so much assumption on her part about what took place that it makes the truth of the story almost unbelievable. Also, it was hard to have a male author writing from the perspective of a little girl. However, the story itself was great.
One of the best things emphasized through the book was that Katie was homeschooled, which is just not seen in many fiction books these days. My favorite line in the book is something Katie said, "When I make it to the upper sanctuary, one of the first things I'm gonna ask God is why He only let me figure out so many things later when I could've used them earlier."
Armchair Interviews says: It is very clear that the point Dwyer makes here is to learn from life's lesson and accept God's grace.
Courage the Monkey
by Mark Jordan
ISBN: 978-0971701373
Reviewed for Armchair Interviews
On the very tip of a mountain lives Jonathan the spider monkey. As Jonathan eagerly awaits his special birthday (special because he will get to climb his first tree), he becomes very afraid when he sees how big his tree will be. All the monkeys made fun of him because he was the first monkey to ever be afraid of climbing a tree. Jonathan had a wonderful brother, David, who kept encouraging him, telling him he could do it. But still Jonathan was afraid. He began to seclude himself and not play with friends. He told himself that one day, he would climb a tree.
That one day came sooner than he wanted. While resting in the grass one day, Jonathan heard a cry for help. It was David. He had fallen and landed on a ledge of the mountain. Jonathan wanted to help his brother, but was scared. After mustering all of his strength, Jonathan was able to climb a nearby tree and save his brother! All the other spider monkey's cheered as they saw this. Soon after they renamed Jonathan "Courage" because of the courage he showed that day.
I loved this book! After reading it to my two boys, we discussed what courage was and how we can encourage each other to do things we're afraid of doing. They told me I had to keep this book forever so they could read it again and again!
Mark Jordan has done a wonderful job capturing with words and pictures a character trait that many parents want instilled in their children.
Armchair Interviews says: What a great message for children.