
Monday, May 21, 2007

What a weekend!

Well, we got the garden planted and then some! On Saturday morning we got around after breakfast and worked outside for a while. I repotted all of my mosquito plants and repotted the geranium B gave me for Mother's Day. We also hung my ivy so it would quit creeping across the porch! LOL Then we planted the garden (6 tomatoe plants, several green beans, and lots of onions). Only 4 or the tomatoe plants ended up in the garden, the other two got planted in pots. We'll see how they do.

That evening I went to a wedding shower for a friend who's getting married on Memorial weekend. It was great fun and we all embarrassed her a little! :)

We also found out that an elder at the Salem congregation passed away on Friday. Terry is wanting to go to the funeral, so we'll see what we can work out.

Let's wait and see what happens the rest of the week....

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