
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Happy Feet

Happy Feet
Starring: Robin Williams, Nicole Kidman, and Elijah Wood

After reading all of the reviews I could find, both good and bad, we finally had a chance to watch Happy Feet. We had originally said we wouldn't let the boys watch it at all, but then decided they could watch it after us, and only if we thought it was okay. I had heard so many negatives about the movie from Plugged In Online and really didn't want my boys watching that. They see these things on cartoon movies and think it's okay and that it's 'cute'. That is what the movie people WANT us to believe...they are trying to trick our children, and I will not let them trick mine. Plus, I had heard so many friends and relatives say how cute the movie was and encouraged me to let my children watch it. I didn't want to be bullied, though, and stood my ground. Many people thought I was being a prude in not allowing my children to watch it. Oh well.

We finally decided that we would watch it with the boys so that we could immediately address anything that came up. Well, let me just tell you: it was one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. The dancing was cool, yes. But the music was TOO MUCH...sexual inuendos and sexual songs included. But there were just too many songs for our liking, and frankly for our boys' liking. C fell asleep half way through it. That's how bored he was! LOL

It teaches a good moral about acceptance and being nice to those who are different from us, but the "aliens are taking all our fish" got on my nerves after a while. I got sorta sick of the agenda that was being forced on us.

What I was really suprised about was that B was able to pick out the bad stuff for himself. He kept asking, "Is that bad?" "Oh, they shouldn't say that!" Or, "That wasn't nice." I was proud that he knew the difference.

All in all, it wasn't a BAD movie...just not one we want in our house. It was dumb and we don't want to subject ourselves to it again. If the boys watch it at someone's house, I have no problems with it. We just won't be watching it at ours anymore.

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