
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday, January 24 (Catching up)

Janice was transferred to Salem on Monday...PRAISE GOD! We are so thankful for that. Now she is where friends and family can more readily see her and visit with her. :)

Terry is making slow progress. Originally, he was to return to work today, but that was only a tentative date. He is still taking the pain meds, and as long as he's doing that, he isn't supposed to be around the machinery. So for now, it has been pushed off to Monday. I am hoping he is able to go back to work, for his sake and mine. :) I love him dearly, but having him home this much is not as fun as we once thought it would be. LOL

The boys have a TKD tournament on Saturday and we've been preparing for that. They have had their normal classes each week, but have been practicing extra hard here at home and been going through constant practice of the details while in class. There is so much to remember! So many bowing times, so many moves, so many rules.... things thy don't normally have to think about. I am pretty sure Brent will do well, but Clayton has a harder time remembering that many we will see. Either way, they will get trophies and/or medals for simply participating. Really, the part that concerns me most with Clayton is sparring. He doesn't like to get hit during the normal sparring in class and that kind of sparring is gentle compared to the kind of hits he will get at tournament. But, all we can do is our best (that's what Brent keeps saying) and encourage Clayton to go back regardless of how this Saturday turns out. LOL

Sunday, we're supposed to have a birthday party at a roller skating rink and the boys are VERY excited to get to use their new skates! We will have to see how Terry is doing before deciding on that venture!

One thing to be thankful for: we have done school EVERY day during this little 'butt issue' of Terry's. Believe me, for us that is a phenomenal achievement! Most times, I would have just said, "two week vacation" and been done with it. But I really think that being consistent with schoolwork has helped the boys stay on track with attitudes and with routine in a situation that is far removed from our normal routine.

Now, off to watch some football! :)

1 comment:

Ginger said...

YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Go to my blog for detials.