On Saturday evening, when we got home I was trying to get Terry to give the boys haircuts and he was just hemming and hawing and not giving me an answer. I asked him one more time and he said, 'Man you're wearing me out!' So I quit asking, thinking he was just tired and a bit grumpy from the day. Well, we unloaded the van from the youth activity and came inside and the boys had the couch cleaned off and were telling me to sit down. They all came in there and one at a time, told me what they thought of me.
Clayton: "Mom, thanks for everything you do for us! I just love you so much I could give you a kiss!" (and he did)
Brent: "Mom, thanks for cleaning for us, and teaching us, and taking care of us, and feeding us. And thanks for staying home so that we don't have to go to a baby-sitters."
Terry: "I love you very much and I know I don't say it as often as I should. You do so much for me and for our family and you take care of us and do more than you should have to do. I know I'm not as romantic as I should be and I don't include you in on decisions like I should, but I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate all that you do for us."
WOW! I was nearly in tears. But then it got even better....they got up and said I had to be blindfolded and that they had a present for me to show me how much they
appreciate me. So they disappeared into the garage and came back with this blanket-wrapped package. I start to pull the blanket back and it's a
Wii!!!!! Oh my gravy!!! I was so excited I started squealing and screaming like a little kid! I've wanted one of these for a long time but we just couldn't afford it. We figured we would be able to in the fall, so that was when we planned to get it. But Terry surprised me with it on Saturday for our anniversary, which is this coming Saturday. (11 years!! Can you believe it??)
Anyway, we started playing it that night,
and the next day, and the day after that, and...well, you get the picture. We LOVE it...it's so much fun and the boys enjoy making little
Miis, too! And boy it works you out! There's so much action! But really, that's one of the main reasons we like the
Wii better than any other gaming system...it gets you up off the couch! And boy do we need that!
LOLI feel so blessed and lucky to have a family like I do and to have a husband like I do. He may not show me much romance in everyday life, but he really makes up for it with little surprises here and there, like this one! :)