Well, the boys have been in 4-H Clover Kids this past year. If you can call it that. Between all of Terry's surgeries and illness last winter, we only made it to about 3 of the 9 meetings!
Oy. Anyway, they got to go to 4-H camp yesterday and have some fun for a few hours. When I go there to pick them up, they were both just chattering at once telling me all the stuff they did and all the things they had from their day. But I finally keyed in on something Clayton was saying, "And there was this panda and we kept hitting it! And then there was this one kid who finally hit and broke the panda open! And then all these toys came falling out of the panda! And I got this and this from the toys that fell out of the panda!"
Brent finally looked at him and said, "Clayton it's called a
And Clayton just looked at him blankly and said, "Yeah, I know...that's what I said, a panda!"
LOL Terry and I got a big kick out of it and thought you'd all enjoy!
Pinatas, needless to say, are BIG in Tucson; we didn't do one the whole time we were there. (sigh) Go figure.
OH! that is FUNNY! I read this to the kids and they all CRACKED up!!!!
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