C went first and she said his eyes are doing really well...she sees no sign of eye strain and that his vision is actually 20/30, which she doesn't see in 5-year-olds very often. They rarely have perfect vision like that. She said her only concern with him is that as he gets older, he may shift closer to the nearsighted side...so we'll wait and see on him.
B we knew was having some problems. He was complaining of having eye watering and blurriness after reading only a little bit, and then having headaches. She looked at him and determined that he's farsighted a bit and needs glasses (for now) for reading. She said he needs to wear them at church, when doing schoolwork, and when doing any sort of pleasure reading or watching TV. So then we went to pick out frames....of course the ones I liked he didn't! LOL But the ones he picked look REALLY good on him and he had very specific reasons for wanting those over the ones I picked out. I couldn't argue with his logic!
But then C got really sad cuz "Brother gets a cool present and I don't get anything". LOL I keep trying to convince him that it's GOOD not to need glasses. But there's no convincing him! So in about a week, we should have his glasses and we'll start the process of getting used to them. I'll have to post a pic of him when he gets them...he looks so grown up! -sniffle, sniffle-
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