We have caterpillars! A fellow homeschooler emailed out that she had several sword tail caterpillars in her back yard and offered them to anyone interested. Of course we were! We went and picked up 7 and took some of her parsley (what they were eating) to get us going. Within a few hours, all the parsley we had was gone and we needed to buy more!
So after cleaning out a see-through bucket for them to live in and adding some sticks (for the chrysalis stage) we got them set up in their new home. They are devouring the parsley and I have no idea how long it will be before they are entering their chrysalis. There are 3 larger ones, 2 medium ones and 1 smaller one. So it will be nice to watch them grow and change.
My friend told me that it is normally 2-3 weeks in the cocoon before emerging as a butterfly. We can't wait! I will post pictures when we get them...the caterpillars (or "calipitters" as Clayton calls them!) are gorgeous!).
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