Some Background
We've been doing Revelation since November (!!!) and we're just about to wrap it up. I co-teach with a deacon's wife...well, co-teach sort-of. When she's gone I teach for her! But I'm always prepared to teach for her cuz there are some times it's relatively short notice due to her job.... Well, Wednesday night I had brought up some questions I had during my study about the New Jerusalem (in Chapter 21), and how many people say that the New Jerusalem is heaven and how some say it is the church. Our questions started off saying it was the church and then switched gears in the middle of the lesson saying the New Jerusalem was heaven. But I brought out the fact that the NJ comes down out of heaven and wondered how heaven can come down out of heaven? It created quite the discussion and quite a few puzzled looks, and we really never came to a good conclusion....
I digress
So on Sunday of last week, this wonderful lady comes up to me and tells me that after that class on Wednesday, she was truly intrigued because of what I had said and that caused her to go home and study more of it on her own. She said she wanted to thank me for causing her to do that and that in her opinion, causing someone to go home and do more study is the mark of a really good teacher. *enter humbled face here!*
I was truly touched by what she said and had tears as she hugged me thanking me for doing that for her. Wow!
Well, last Wednesday night we finished Revelation! Finally! Wooohoooo! LOL It truly was a great study and I'm SO glad we did it. We threw a little celebratory party on Thursday evening (dessert and coffee) for the Ladies Class, but we had a secret motive: to honor Marcia for teaching it for us. We had been planning it for some time and one of our ladies volunteered to make a quilt in honor of it all. We each got a block for the quilt and we put something on it: some embroidered, some wrote scriptures, some stamped a message on it. Then it was quilted together and we presented it to Marcia on Thursday evening as a surprise...she was truly shocked! And honored. We had her in tears...well, several of us had tears. We are truly blessed to have in our midst a woman as devoted and talented as she is and we're thankful for her.
What a great Bible study and what a great time to come closer to God as we came closer to each other in the process!
1 comment:
Oh, Amanda!! That is a WONDERFUL comment, you're right!! And I'm sure she's right, what with your love for the Lord, His word, and your excellent communication skills! Having just gone through a Revelation study so recently, I was definitely interested in what you mentioned you were studying! (FYI, I currently believe the NJ is the church; to me that makes the most sense.) Additionally, I share your sense of accomplishment at reaching its end. :) heehee
What a great idea, and a great group of ladies, to have the party and present such a lovely gift to the (main) teacher! *wow*
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