Mom, Dad, my sister and her family were all here over the last week and we spent a fun 5 days together eating, playing games, visiting, watching movies, eating, playing games, eating some more, and playing more games! But I have to say that the 3 AM nights really got to me....I'm SO tired this week!
I plan on posting pictures soon....I have a ton to post and a couple videos still of the boys from our family Christmas that I want to share. It's just been so nice to get away from the computer for a few days and just enjoy the time with my boys...all three of them. Terry goes back to work next Monday and I'm really hoping things will go even further back to normal when that happens. LOL Hopefully in the next few days I can get some pics posted....
Till then....
1 comment:
You get NO SYMPATHY from me about being 'oh so tired' because of all your time with your family. Oh, but ... we've had that discussion.
I'm happy for you that you had a lovely time!!
I giggled and giggled at your post about Brent's new appliance! "Ice cream"; it doesn't even sound good in the winter. ha. No gum for the whole family? I can understand his thinking, but ... umm, yeah: No. lol I actually have seriously pondered at times in the past if I am a gum addict. Hi. My name is Sunny and I am a gum addict. I totally feel Brent's pain. ;)
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