Well, I had Terry get some snow from outside in bowls for me so I could make some snow ice cream later. That's one thing the boys have looked forward to...and is a tradition I hope to continue from my childhood onto theirs. But the boys had no idea that it had snowed last night. They knew it had been icing yesterday, but they knew they couldn't play in the ice. So when they finally realized there was snow (about an hour and a half after they got up!) they decided to come up with a picture and a song for me to tell me they wanted to go out and play. Here's the picture:
The song was like this, to the tune of "Jingle Bells":
Christmas time, Christmas time,
It's Christmas time outside!
Snow has fallen, let's all cheerin',
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
LOL Whatever! They had fun. So I told them that we'd get to go outside, but it would be only after.... And they knew, "We finish our school work." So they took off to the schoolroom and Brent was done with all of his work in like an hour...totally amazed me! When there's motivation, it's amazing what can get accomplished!
So we ate lunch and bundled up and headed outside. I was wearing a pair of boots of Terry's (cuz I have no heavy shoes to speak of) and decided his coat was warmer than mine, so I wore one of his coats. The boys laughed at me cuz I 'looked like Daddy.' :) Here are some random shots of our time outside and some explanation where needed.
Of course, Brent took advantage of the fresh snow to make a snow angel...
At the top of this one on the left you can see his finished angel. Then on the right, they wanted to make a 'path' with their shovels....
Clayton found this large block of snow and decided to offer me some of his 'ice cream'...when I didn't want any he said, "Fine, I'll eat it myself!" and I got a shot of him just as he ate it! Then he went off the porch and decided to clock himself in the head with it! LOL
Clayton decided to start throwing snow up in the air and have 'snow showers'....it covered all of us!
In this one below-right, Brent was getting ready to take a bit of snow when Clayton was starting to throw it in the air...Brent reached up and blocked him...but shoved the snow in Clayton's face! ROFL! He was crying, I was laughing. I know...I'm a great mom!
I have a couple video's to share too...the first one is Brent sledding down our hill. He discovered that he really likes sledding! He kept going down and up, down and up...over and over. Clayton wasn't having any of it. He would watch and laugh and yell, but wouldn't do it himself.
Finally, I convinced Clayton to sled. The first time, I helped him so much that I couldn't get a video of it. Well, he was sitting so far to the back and was so light, that he was FLYING...literally. He was bouncing and popping up off the snow as he was going down. Well, he enjoyed it enough that I convinced him to do it again. This time....
Well, of course, he was crying and very upset. I finally got to him and calmed him down and asked if he got hurt. He said no. Did he get scared going too fast? No. So I had him look at me and tell me what was wrong.... He said, "Why did those people have to put that building there....if it wasn't for that I could have gone farther!!!" He wasn't hurt...he was mad cuz he had to stop!!! But then he refused to do it again! Weird child!
Anyway, Brent continue on sledding and they went on to other things. Then Brent decided to go to the other side of the house and sled down that side of the hill... Clayton decided he wanted to ride down with Brent! So, I helped them get set up and gave them a push....
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