
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dr John Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple

ISBN: 978-0446694384
Reviewed for Armchair Interviews

In Dr. Lee’s final writing before his death in 2003, he collaborates with Virginia Hopkins on a book to give a simplistic approach to hormone balance. The writers start out by giving the reader a basic lesson in hormones: which ones are present, how they work, and what happens when they aren’t working properly. Next, they delve into symptoms of the person with imbalanced hormones followed by testing for hormone imbalance, and finally instruction on using natural hormone replacement therapy. There are a variety of ways to balance your hormones. The writer’s devote several chapters to the individual hormones and their function in the body and the proper ratios of these hormones in relation to each other.

This book would be a perfect place to start for a woman of any age, from child-bearing years all the way through menopause. The best way to determine your need is the symptoms guide, which will allow you to see if you fall into any of the categories that could be benefited by natural hormones. There is so much to be gleaned from Dr. Lee’s books and more people need to know of the natural methods he advocated. I was truly fascinated by the information given in this book, and plan to follow up on it by reading one of Dr. Lee’s other books, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PreMenopause.

Armchair Interviews says: This book would be a perfect place to start for a woman of any age, from childbearing years all the way through menopause.

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