Mom and dad came down on Friday so that Saturday we could work (together) on all the details that still needed to be worked out. The guys built a 'stand' for all the quilts to go on, mom worked on sewing, and I worked on the portfolio and dimensions. When the guys finished, we ate an early supper (ordered pizza cuz no one had time to cook!) and then sat down at the table and started working out other details: pricing. What a time consuming thing! We worked on things till 11 PM and we were all so brain-fried that we had to stop...then mom and dad still had to drive home!
Monday I worked more on portfolio and then went downstairs to sand down the stands. After dinner (leftover pizza from the weekend!) I went down again and began painting. I realized quickly it was going to take at least 3 coats to cover up the construction grade lumber, but that's okay...I love to paint!
Yesterday (Tuesday) we spent time at the chiropractors office (our third week there for Brent since he rotated his hip out of place) and were finally cleared by the Doc to return to TKD in December! Woohooo... :) [But that is short lived, perhaps. Last night, right before bed, I had the boys come and put some of their laundry away and when they finished, (for some reason) Brent went skipping through the house and around the island in the kitchen.... Well, he fell and started crying. When I got to him, he was holding his right knee...the same leg that was rotated. :-( So, we'll see how that affects him over the next couple of weeks...we may be fine or we may end up back in the chiro's office.] After the chiropractor's office, the boys and I had dentists appointments where a teeny tiny cavity was found on one of Brent's teeth. So that is getting fixed on Friday morning. Then on me, I was explaining to them how my lower left teeth are really sensitive at times and after their questioning me, we figured out that my root canal tooth (from 10 years ago) was the one giving me fits and that my teeth are hitting together too soon and too hard. So, by using some carbon paper, Doc figured out where and he ground away parts of my upper teeth to keep it from hitting so hard in places. He said it's a work in progress and I may end up needing more done to it, but it is an easy fix. :) At least I won't have so much pain anymore!
Last night was Friendship Sisters I got to go and get a new FS. I'm so excited about the one I have for this year! :) But the coolest part of the evening was when I got home, Terry had put away several loads of laundry, cleaned out a basket of his old shoes (that had been sitting in our room for about 3 months!) and washed and put away another 4 or 5 loads of laundry! WOW! What a man! LOL I know he's really trying to help me out this week knowing that I have so much else going on.
This weekend, while Mom and I are at the craft fair, the original plan was for the guys to rearrange the living room....but I had asked if I could paint when we did that. Terry said he didn't want to rearrange until after I had painted that one wall (cuz it is the entertainment center which is a HUGE pain to move around) and now that I'm running so behind on time, he will most likely just run the wiring this weekend. Then next week I can paint and we'll rearrange things one evening. It will work out okay. We just have to have things rearranged by Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, I have added my Playlist back to my blog..but this time with some of my favorite Christmas songs on it. Enjoy! We're getting to that time of year when I can't wait to see Christmas things and put my tree up! Believe me, it would be up by now if I thought I could get away with it! LOL But I will settle for listening to the music here on the computer for now. The tree will hopefully go up the week after Thanksgiving, but we'll see. :)
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