The night before, I made some shirts for us to all wear. I used an iron-on process and just made up my own logo. We had a big Missouri outline on our shirts with "Show Me Palin Power" across the outline. We got so many compliments on those shirts...people were saying, "Wow, I haven't seen that one yet...where'd you get it???" was cool to say, "I made them. (Just patting my back a little bit....) You can see part of the shirt on Clayton in the pics below...
Mom wanted to go with me and I had nothing to do with the boys...but what better way for them to spend a morning than hearing their next Vice President in person! So we were all up around 4 AM heading to Cape and getting in line! Wow, what a line there was! The doors opened around 6:30 and we were in and seated by 7:30, so really not bad...and the boys did famously! No complaining and (thankfully) no begging for the bathroom till we got in there! LOL They were SOO tired by the time we got in there, but they very quickly got pumped up! Brent screamed "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!" everytime the crowd roared! Clayton was squealing in my ear!
Of course, there were many other Republican candidates from the state there as well so we got to also hear Kenny Hulshof and Joann Emerson speak. The color guard came out with the Missouri Flag and the US Flag and all of us....all 8,000 people in attendance....said the Pledge of Allegiance at the same time! I had chills! It was completely an awing experience.
Then Sarah came out with Alaska's "First Dude" Todd Palin....what a cutie! :) Her speech had us off our seats and screaming! Here is a link to the speech from YouTube.
(Incidentally, the next day Arnold Schwarzenegger was at a rally with McCain in Ohio and spoke as well. Here is a link to his talk. Be sure and click on Part 2 as well so you can hear ALL of what he, what a speaker!)
As we came out of the Show Me Center, there was a guy outside still cheering for Sarah. (I found out after the fact that he was 'removed' from the rally for whatever reason.) Since he was there, I asked if he would take pics with my boys...of course, he was happy to agree! LOL I later saw him on Fox News over the weekend! Way cool!
Then we were walking to the van and we saw all these people lined up at one end of the parking lot. I figured it was something cool, so we went over....and discovered that was where Governor Palin's motorcade would be going when she left! Sweet! So we stood there (much to the dismay of the boys!) and I got this video of them leaving. Sarah is in the 2nd SUV and she is in the back-passenger seat waving. If you zoom it to a full screen video, you can see her waving. :)
Once we were finally driving (0h yes, traffic was tough!) we ended up driving where Sarah's car drove.....I told mom, "I'll never wash these tires again!" LOL Okay, just kidding, but it was fun to be stupid! LOL
We went to eat lunch and nearly everyone we saw there had been at the rally. So many people were smiling at us and saying, "Wasn't it great!?" "What did you like the best?" and other things like that. It was so awesome! I told Terry later that night that I like rallies! LOL He said he wasn't surprised, but wasn't sure if I needed to go to them anymore....I haven't shutup since I got home!
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