Last night, Senator Barack Obama was elected as our 44th President of the United States. Such a shame. So many people voted for him and have absolutely NO idea what they were voting for, except they knew they were voting for a black man. They didn't pay attention to his stances, his plans, his history, or his policies. They saw a black man and said, "Finally, we can get vindication for all the abuse we endured 150 years ago..." Well, here's news: THEY weren't the ones who endured it. Just because their ancestors were enslaved does not mean that that enslavement holds up for generations. Instead of realizing that fact, many Americans blindly voted for a man that has no business being the POTUS.
Things are about to change in our country...and I don't think any of us can truly predict what's about to happen. Here's a quote from Fox News:
Despite McCain's appeal for unity in his speech, many in the audience wore hard feelings on their sleeves.
Some stood with arms crossed, anger etched on their faces. Others expressed disappointment, even fear. Still others wiped away tears and grumbled when John McCain congratulated his opponent, America's first black president, for making history.
And it was clear on an election night like no other that the hard feelings of a hard-fought campaign would not fade anytime soon.
Jeri Mott, 58, of Tucson, listened to McCain's concession speech with her arms tightly crossed and a look of disgust on her face.
"I'm thinking that I'm real worried about what's going to happen tomorrow, especially about my troops," said Mott, whose son recently enlisted in the Army. "He'd better be paying close attention to what he's doing with our troops," she said of Democrat Barack Obama. "Don't leave them with nothing."
As for the historic nature of the night, Mott didn't much care.
"I have no problem with an African American at the helm. It's his vision of what he wants to do that I have a big problem with."
"The wrong African American," she called Obama.
Molly Pinckney, 60, of Phoenix stood frowning, the red pom pom she earlier had waved tucked by her side.
"I'm really sad. I'm sad for our country." .....
....One supporter muttered, "I'm feeling like doom is coming."
In closing, Kyl cited a Bible passage that seemed as appropriate an ending to McCain's campaign as any.
2 Timothy 4:7:
"I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith."
And then there is Sarah Palin. :-) I truly love and admire her! It was during McCain's concession speech that I got the saddest last night....when I saw Sarah's face. She looked truly heart-broken (as you can see below) and let down and my heart just broke for her.

But I don't think we're done seeing Governor Palin! I truly believe she will be back in 4 years to run again. She is one of a kind and deserves our respect for how she handled herself during this campaign. She was ridiculed and run through the muck by the press and by the Democratic campaign, but she held her head high and continued to do what she knew was right: fight for our country.
Now we just wait and see what is going to happen in the coming months. So much has already been said on the news this morning about Obama's plans and the reaction of the troops and the reaction of the rest of the world. Time will tell....
1 comment:
Good post, I agree. I will now support our new president because he is the president. I will speak up and out when he goes against what I feel the constitution stands for. I will continiue to live and support what America stands for.
It's sad that I, as a white American male get blamed for slavery when my people came from Europe AFTER slavery was over. They never supported it, or were a part of it. Some of my ancesters were killed over religeon and yet, I do not feel anyone, anywhere owes me anything. I need to take care of me, my family and our future. It is up to me!
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