
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Use your own band-aids!

Oh my goodness.... :( What a bad and emotional day yesterday was. About 430, C comes to me asking me to take his band-aids off...they were annoying him. But I looked at them and could tell they were practically glued to the skin, so I told him we'd wait till after dinner to do them. Well, I hadn't counted on what happened during the evening and us not getting to eat until 8 PM. But that is what happened. We did some schoolroom rearranging and that took a couple eating dinner came late.

So after dinner, I go back to work on the schoolroom and Terry works on C's band aids. All I hear was screaming and crying from that room. :( Terry was using a wet rag to moisten the area and try to ease them off. But they were literally pulling his skin. After 45 minutes he finally got the first one off. Then he had to start the other arm, which seemed to be stuck worse. There was actually a welt on his skin from where the band aid had been. We used aloe vera gel to help get it all smushy, but that didn't work. I don't have any baby oil, and Terry didn't want to mess with butter or canola oil. So, we just kept working on C's arms. After about an hour and a half, we were able to just get them off. C was so exhausted from crying and exhausted from the day yesterday that he conked out soon after.

SO! Lesson learned: WE NEED TO TAKE OUR OWN BAND-AIDS FROM NOW ON! The ones I have just fall off in a couple hours. I just don't understand why they don't use a 'nicer' band-aid on kids. Plus, with C (who hates any type of picking-contact like trimming nails, hair cuts, etc) this just made his whole day that much worse. For most of us that would be a 1 or a 2, for C it is a 9 or 10. He is just ultra sensitive to that sort of thing.

But he hadn't been down long (maybe a couple hours) and he woke up last night in a night terror. It didn't last long, (we've learned how to help him through them) and I was able to get them back to bed.

We still haven't heard from the lab about the results. I hope we hear soon. I'm so impatient! LOL

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