
Thursday, August 07, 2008

T-ball pic and update

The boys had a great time with T-ball this year! This is their team photo, given to us by their coach! :) So nice. Now they are back in TKD full swing and I'm so glad to get back to some sort of routine. LOL Summer is winding down and to be honest, I'm so glad.

We've been so busy over the last couple of weeks. Last week was VBS, which was a HUGE success! We had 106 kids the last was so amazing! :) And the kids were all so helped that they had a 'contest' each night to see who was the quietest class going to and from the auditorium. It really made for an exhausting week, though, with the 30 minute drive each way....and with gas prices, OUCH! But I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

Over the weekend we were in Salem celebrating Terry's birthday and seeing all the kids (well, adults, but nieces and nephews) before their school started back up. It was so nice to see Vay back from Hawaii! She had a lot of fun and it was great to see her RING finally! LOL Of course, baby Chase was there too...and I had so much fun with him Saturday night! I got to just lay in the floor and play with him...the first time for me. He was so cute! I got to where I was just hanging my head over him and letting my hair dangle just above his face and I would suddenly just shake my head and he would giggle! It was the first time I had heard him laugh out loud and it was such a precious sound! He laughed for a few minutes while I was playing with me, then we got up and rocked and sang some songs (it's been SO long since I sang to a baby!!!!) and then his grandma gave him a bath before we left. Such precious time! :)

On Sunday we celebrated Terry's birthday and then high-tailed it to town for a baby shower. Then we left town so we could get home at a decent poor family was exhausted! The boys conked out within 10 minutes of getting in the car and Terry fought sleep the whole ride home. We were just ready to be home! We've gotten to be such homebodies it's scary!

It's amazing what happens to other people in our circles while we go about our every day business. I was pondering this thought the other day while the boys were in TKD. I found out so many things over the weekend that just blew me away! While we go on our merry little way:
  • a friend gets divorced, gets someone else pregnant, and then marries her 6 months after the baby is born!
  • a friends pregnancy comes in danger when amniotic fluid gets WAY too low and she's hospitalized. Then the hospital is so full of quacks that they want to try and turn the baby (who is breach), but "don't worry, we can do an emergency C-section if necessary." Then after swelling her up with fluids, they sent her home on bedrest. (She's now better, after getting a second opinion and scheduling a c-section instead of trying to traumatize the baby further by turning him....)
  • a friend's friend dies of an overdose, with no family to speak of.
  • children are needing to be adopted, but the adoption agencies make it extremely difficult to adopt, because of cost and requirements of the family.

I just get so amazed at how the Devil is working so hard in this world and how so many people (even Christians) are succumbing to his temptations. And there is so much sadness in society today and yet, some of us (me!) go on our way not knowing any of it until we're completely overwhelmed with the information in the course of a couple days. How do things like this happen? How do we lose touch with our friends, the people we grew up with? Why are things that used to be simple made to be so difficult by the 'government red tape'?

I know I'm not much of a ray of sunshine this time. LOL I just have these weird depressing thoughts flying through my head. Any answers?

1 comment:

JeremyNSunny said...

Nope, no answers to your big questions.... Just commiseration. ;) I'm happy your boys got to do t-ball! Yay! ;) Your VBS sounds awesome! That's a great idea: the quiet contest between classes. Note to self: suggest that next year here!!