
Friday, January 18, 2008

Insights into schooling...Things I've learned today

We decided to go ahead and have school this morning and I'm glad we did. I got Clayton started on his stuff have to say he is really getting the hang of more/less and patterns. I was really excited when we were doing the more or less paper and I started him out counting each object and thinking about which number was higher or lower (which is how we have done it in the past couple of weeks). Well, we did that for a couple and I let him do the next one by himself. He did it in his head! :) Now, for some this is no big deal. But for him this is a major accomplishment. To 1) count the objects in his head without using the pencil to point at each object, and 2) to decide in his head (without saying the numbers out loud) which one was more or less is just phenomenal progress. :) I was SO pleased!

Brent did very well with his schoolwork. We've been working really hard on lower-case letters...he absolutely hates to write them and prefers upper-case letters. But he's made a HUGE effort over the past 2 weeks to ONLY write with lower-case when doing schoolwork. And it's amazing at how the simplest of praises will make him try even harder to do better! I commented on how good yesterday's work looked (he did school with Grandma yesterday since I was gone) and he just BEAMED! :)

Next after Brent finished his phonics workbook, we moved on to a part of English/language: we learned about adjectives today. Wow, I never thought something could be so hard to explain and understand. I had to come up with about 3 different ways to explain them until Brent would finally understand how to find an adjective in a sentence. (Of course, then he would point at the verbs and try to call them adjectives, and since we haven't talked about verbs, it was a bit confusing! :)) Well, we continued on and he slowly got it and was able to work through 8 (simple) sentences on his own underlining the adjective and then drawing an arrow to the noun it described. Very cool!

And I have to be amazed at how well he does math. To some it's not so big, but he is farther along in many areas of math (for his age) than I was at that time. He does things in his head! He had a measuring part today where it was a picture of a triangle and it asked how many inches the longest side was, the shortest side, the third side and then what the distance was around the triangle. On the longest and shortest sides, he was fine. No problem. But then he got a bit confused on the the "third" side question. I had to remind him how many sides a triangle has and then it dawned on him (I could actually SEE the light bulb turn on over his head!) and he realized that the third side was the one he hadn't written about yet. Then when it asked about the distance around it, he started to measure each side again....I stopped him and said, "You know, there is an easier way to do this...." He just looked at it...stared at the numbers for a second and then said, "OH! It's 9 inches!" He just added it all up in his head. for me, the teacher. LOL

Now that school is done and daddy is flying high on his pain meds (he said he's enjoyed seeing the puffy clouds and geese flying by him while he's up in the sky!), we're off to the movie store to rent some movies for the weekend!

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