
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Terry's surgery today...

Hello to all. We finally made it home about 7 PM this evening and I got Terry settled in .....he is on Percoset and boy is he HAPPY! LOL He keeps looking at me saying, "I love you....I love you...." and I'm thinking, "I love you on Percoset!" :)

But I digress.....

He had his surgery this afternoon and came through it fine. The surgeon came out and talked with me and explained that they opened the fistula and realized it was on the exterior side of the gluteal muscle (the butt muscle) and she just knew at that point that there had to be more due to the amount of pain it had caused. So, she began probing and using the ultrasound and found a secondary fistula tract that went under the gluteal muscle and was much larger/bigger. She decided that if she were to cut the muscle away (as was originally planned) and create the trench, it would take too much of the 'controlling' muscles away and cause incontinence problems. So, she has put in a seton and we go back in 4 weeks to finish (hopefully) everything.

So, since we thought we were having closure through this, and now we aren't, we're a bit disappointed and depressed. However, we are thankful that the surgeon made the decision she did in thinking of Terry and his age. :) So the day has been bittersweet, but is ending on a happy note since he is 'happy' with his medication! :)

We thank you all for the prayers and concern and ask that you continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue with this 'endeavor'. Perhaps by spring he will be healed!

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