
Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 Tribute from the Boys

Two days ago (Tuesday) the boys began the morning playing in the living room with some yarn. Brent decided to build a city when he found some empty boxes in the laundry room. So he took the yarn, the boxes and a bunch of cars, and started working. He came to me later (maybe 30 minutes) and said, "Mom, you gotta come see our city!!!" So I went in and saw what they had done..."Very Cool." But then he tells me that they have made "New York City" and 'walks' me through the town.

This first one is the school building (where the army guys are!). The second is their "city sign" letting people know where they are.

Next, are the streets with all the cars and the highways and the 'farm' areas....of course, since they've never been to NYC, they don't understand that there aren't farms in the middle of the city, cuz where we live there are farms in the middle of town! LOL

This next one is what Brent called the Twin Towers.

Now, mind you, he was only 4 months old at the time of the Twin Towers Attack and while we have explained the basics of what happened, he doesn't know the impact it has/had on all of us as a nation. He is learning, with the more news we watch and the more political debates we see. He is also listening anytime anyone mentions 9/11 and probably takes in more than we realize. But this next picture is the one that got me. He came up with this all on his own and placed everything just so with his own explanation. I didn't specifically tell them, "Thursday is 9/11, the day we remember, and let's do something nice." This was all him. He amazes me with his loving and tender heart and the things he is thinking about sometimes. See below. Remember what you are seeing is the "Twin Towers" made of boxes.

So, after seeing what they did, I decided to capture it with the camera and share with everyone. Our family is still dealing with the ramifications of 9/11, and I don't really know why. We had no friends or family working there. And for some reason, this year we have been talking more and more about the Attack and the anniversary. Perhaps it is all the politics in recent weeks. Perhaps it is us 'getting older' and thinking more deeply about issues. Perhaps it is me becoming more aware of life on a national/worldwide level. Who knows. All I do know is that on this day, we are prayerful and mindful of the families who are still dealing with the effects that the Attacks placed on their families and in their lives. We are thankful that our family is still in tact, and that our nation still stands. I pray for our nation daily, but even more so in the coming election times. We have so much to fight for as a nation, and only God will see us through.

((((HUGS)))) to all our friends and family.


~Joy Kaye~ said...

Wow...I am amazed. We really never will forget.

Thanks for sharing...

eve said...

I love how your boys make their own roads with yarn. I never would have thought of that! Today Ella and I talked about the self-sacrificial actions of the heros on the plane that crashed in Penn. on 9/11. It was a great character building discussion.
Hope the camping goes well!
Sara M.

JeremyNSunny said...

This is great, Amanda. Really inspiring!! It blows my mind, too, how absorbant children are, and how insightful they can be. My favorite part, to tell you the truth, was the farms. Tooooooo cute!!!!! :) Great post - as usual. ;)