
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

4-H Meeting at the Fire Station

On Friday we had our first 4-H meeting of the year...and since it was National Fire Safety Week, we had it at the Fire Station. Mr Jeff showed us around and put on his gear for us. (Did I mention that our 'little' 4-H group is made up of all homeschoolers?? LOL) After he finished with his gear, the kids got to explore inside the fire truck, which of course, they thought was completely awesome!

There were all kinds of gadgets on the outside of the truck too. Knobs to push and things to look at!

One particular door that opened was truly fascinating to Brent....the one with all the sharp objects!! LOL He was "wow'd" by the axes and such that you see below. I'm sure you can tell his jaw is hanging open as he leans on the truck looking at all of it!

Near the end of the tour of the truck, the kids all climbed in the back seat area and sat still long enough for a posed shot!

One of them (I don't remember which one) asked about the 'heat sensing gun' to help them find people in a fire. (I am thinking it was Brent cuz he knew about the camera from our trip to the firehouse in Jackson last year...) Mr. Jeff got it out for us and was showing them how it works. Below, you can see his hand in the camera screen where it is on the door. These camera's are really neat...cuz for a few seconds (maybe 15) after he moved his hand, the heat imprint was still visible on the screen. Really cool!

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1 comment:

JeremyNSunny said...

I had to giggle at you posting last year's grades now.... That's about how I would do it ... IF, that is, we were even keeping track of grades!! And, I cried with you about the class in CA that went to their teacher's 'wedding'. Heartache....

But, this Fire Station field trip is familiar!! We actually got a PRIVATE one because a firefighter friend in the church got hurt badly (on his *other* job!), and was bored to tears for weeks. He OFFERED to give us a tour, and we accepted!! It was super-fun. He just took all the time we wanted. Annnnd, it turned out being really a wonderful blessing on the night of N's seizure b/c when she was getting strapped down onto the gurney she said, "I've been on one of these before, when we visited the fire station with Jason!" :) It provided a pleasant memory and smooth transition in an otherwise terrible time....