His first words were: "My very own guitar!!! And it's even pink!!" LOL I just love his love of all things pink!
Of course, Daddy had to 'tune' it (which took forever!) and I kept telling him he didn't need to do much with it, just make sure the strings were tight, cuz the first thing Clayton would want to do would be 'tune' it himself! And, yep, he did. So all that tuning was wasted. :-) Oh well.... But then the boys decided they would "rock this house" (to quote Jack's Big Music Show) and began making their rocking music.
Oh, wow!! This has me lol!! Totally cute & sweet, your boys!! I'd not yet heard of Clayton's fascination with pink. Jeremy wears pink dress shirts & ties with his suits; there's a lot of talk about it. He just says, "I'm perfectly secure in my manhood." Clayton, too, eh??! lol
Kid size guitars, huh?? I might have to look into that. N would like to participate.
Do you play?? Does B??
Oh yes, he LOVES pink. Is completely fascinated with pink and purple. Terry is ....well, LEARNING to deal with it. :) We were at a consignment sale a couple weeks ago and C found a pink shirt that was about 3 sizes too big for him....it was only $3, and he just begged me to buy it for him. Well, I did after I read what it had on it! A bunch of things about WHY he was wearing a pink shirt (my mom picked it out for me, it was the only clean thing, etc.) but then the very last reason is: Cuz TOUGH guys wear PINK! :) He also has pink flip-flops, pink scissors in school, and many other things pink. Cracks me up!
No, I don't play the guitar...no one in our immediate family plays. But we have some extended family members who play really well. Perhaps lessons are in the future....? :-)
That is so stinking cute! Tell Clayton Happy Belated Birthday from the Lanier crew. Miss you guys!
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