9769/10165 = 96% A
4135/4297 = 96% A
618/627 = 99% A
11167/11586 = 97% A
505/517 = 98% A
So, obviously, B was 'promoted' to 2nd Grade! LOL He did really well last year and is actually past his actual grade when it comes to many aspects of his schooling. We've decided to change Mathematics curriculum this year to Modern Curriculum Press's sequential, vs the spiral that we had been doing in the past 3 years. We're still using Rod and Staff for Phonics and Reading, and they also sent us a Social Studies book this year that Brent LOVES! It's doing a general study of the world geography, and he's learning all the continents and some of the individual countries within them. Very cool!
2nd grade is definitely more work for him (and me!) but he's really enjoying school this year. Plus, it helps that Daddy is teaching math this year too! :)
More later!
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