2 weekends ago, we went to Salem with the Watson's for the annual hayride there. The hayride was okay...but really the most fun we had was when we took them out into the woods and we all got to go 'tree-tipping'. I know, I know...sounds like a really hillbilly thing to do! Well, it is and it's fun!! LOL We basically find old dead trees that are pretty rotten in the root system. Then you just push 'em over! They go over really easy but it's so much fun to watch the kids feel so powerful in the way they can 'move trees'.
Last week was a week of recouperation and time to start getting ready for the upcoming Halloween party and Trunk-n-Treat at church. The boys began seriously preparing for their upcoming Tae Kwon Do tournament that is this weekend.
On Friday evening, I was completely tuckered out and decided that since this was the first in about 12 weekends that we've had at home with nothing to do, I was gonna go rent some movies and we'd veg on Saturday (Terry was sick anyway, so I knew there was no way he'd be up working outside on Saturday!). I am blogging our reviews of the movies we watched here.
On Sunday evening at the end of the worship, there was an announcement by our minister saying that he and his family would be moving on to another location at the end of the year. Oh. My. Goodness. There were tears and hugs and utter sadness for nearly an hour! We were all shocked and saddened, but know that that is us being selfish in our wanting them to stay. This is what they feel they have to do for themselves and is what they feel they have been led to do...but it is NOT an easy thing to accept! I know for myself, I struggled until late afternoon yesterday to be able to not cry every 5 minutes. And Brent was really struggling too...he cried from the moment we got in the van that night until I finally got him to bed around 10, and then was crying again when he woke up the next morning. Thankfully, he is better now. He's still sad, but is better and is processing it well. I know the Lord has good things in store for the M's and for us at Jackson....He will bring someone to us that will help us grow even more!
This week, we are working on Halloween costumes...we just painted them today. They need a second coat and then I can finish the last bit of it...I will post pictures later! :) We're also working on their Halloween bags...I have decided to use canvas bags that they can decorate with paint. I don't like the little plastic buckets you can get and using a pillow case (like I use to do) doesn't work so well with C, who is short! Fun! We're taking a few days break...sort of a "Fall Break"....from schooling. Brent needed it and so did I. He just finished Unit 1 in his books and I thought with all the Halloween activity coming on, it would be good not to have to do school 'formally' this week.
We also have TKD tourny coming on Saturday followed by the Halloween party at church...should be lots of pictures to share next week!
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