
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Basement...

Well, yesterday being a holiday, we decided to work! LOL We spend the entire day in our basement cleaning and organizing. We discovered that we have WAY too much junk and have just been accumulating stuff for the last 10 years. A great majority of the things down there are going to be going to Goodwill in a short time. I can't wait! :)

I worried about having teh boys down there with us, cuz I knew we would be sorting through a bunch of old toys. I figured they would want to pull back out anything we put inthe 'give away' pile. And they did. But not too bad. I have to say, they did pretty good. I think we only ended up with about 5 little toys back upstairs that were designated for Goodwill. Howver, I don't htink they realize completely all the things we'll be getting rid of . But not to worry...when things get taken down there, they will not be a part of it! :)

We even found some things that we have no idea how they got down there.... One was a Brand New box of ice cream cones...unopened. !!!! I have NOT a clue as to how they got there, but there there were. We also found a TON of homeschooling art supplies, that, thankfully, I haven't re-bought cuz I didn't know their location. It's amazing what happens when things get clean! LOL

Now, we can see the basement floor! Now, we can find our exercise equipment! Now, we can possibly have school in the basement and be able to spread out a bit more! I am so excited!

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