
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Email Experiment

I recently sent out an email in order to conduct an email experiment for this summer. I asked all people that I sent the email to to send it on to their friends asking them to send an email to a specified address with their name and location. I want to be able to see where all an email goes when it gets forwarded in cyberspace. So far I have reached across the United States and into Canada! In less than 4 days! That is so awesome to me! I will continue keeping track of this for a few weeks and see how far it goes. I will report back here some of my findings and will also be emailing back the original 'friends' who have helped me with the many want to know.

This was based on the email that was going around about a student whose teacher had them do this as an assignment...but that was proved by Snopes to be false/fake. So I wanted to see exactly what would happen if I actually did what the fake email said.

We shall see! If you're interested in helping, let me know!

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